My parents gifted me with a AAA membership back when we owned a Jeep that I kept driving into ditches. Well, I guess the first red flag for them was when I ran out of gas with all three kids, who were all little at the time. Anyway, we've kept it up through the years, and it always came in handy.
I believe Ryan holds the record for being the cause of most of our calls. One year after several requests for roadside assistance, the guy from the business who called for directions recognized our initial information and asked, "Is that the little silver Subaru Legacy?" It's just not a good sign when you're familiar to these guys.
His best one was running out of gas in the middle of Nowhere, Montana, though. The four of us were on our way to Texas to deliver Brett's new CRV to him. Ryan was driving, talking to God, singing His praises, enjoying the star-bedazzled sky, one arm on the other at the top of the wheel, when the engine very unceremoniously went quiet, coming to a gentle halt along the side of the freeway. "Oh, no....." is what we woke up to.
The latest incident was two nights ago when Jylle's friend, Cassie, stopped by to show us the gory slash on her forehead that was actually stage makeup. On her way down our driveway, she was going too fast and was distracted by her desire to honk twice at the same spot where Jylle does, which is my kids' trademark way of beeping goodbye to me. She missed the curve and went sliding over the bank, taking down the electric wire and a metal fence post, stopping inches from the roadside fence strung with barbed wire.
They ended up not showing until this morning, but it all worked out. They aren't adding this to our "record" or whatever it's called since they messed up last night and told the tow place that we canceled. Free pass. This time.
Thank You, Lord, for Your thorough care over us.
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