Friday, November 30, 2012

Day 335

I am grateful for light traffic.

Having been countrified for years now, I am spoiled by a complete lack of traffic lights for miles and miles. There are none in the closest town, and the next nearest has one. I find myself sighing when I have to wait at even that one.

Hitting one green light after another is like winning at a slot machine, or at least what I think it's like as I have never been to a gambling establishment. Bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, I WIN! A car way ahead of me and a car way behind me is what I consider light traffic. Okay, maybe a car or two in one direction or the other, but no more than that.

I got rear-ended two weeks ago, so I'm especially thankful when I encounter few cars on the road. I look at a week of body work and at least three chiropractor visits to get back to normal. The main city drag is just that, a drag to drive, which is where I got hit. Nobody likes traffic, much less heavy traffic, so while this may be a no-brainer thanks, it is sincere.

Thank You, Lord, for light traffic.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Day 334

I am grateful for C. S. Lewis.

More can be written about him than I have either the inclination nor entitlement to include here in my lowly (but grateful) blog world. I do want to celebrate his life, work, and theology on this, what would be his 114th birthday.

The Chronicles of Narnia series was introduced to me in college. I read one after the other voraciously and then read them all again. When I found out there was a prequel, I gobbled up The Hobbit in the same greedy manner.

Mere Christianity is a work it would take me a lifetime to process. For me, it is one of those heady, meaty, philosophical classics more easily understood by readers of a higher intellect than I will ever possess. I did attempt to finish it, however, and am happy to report my success in the matter.

On my mp3 player right now are three more of his fine books, The Problem of Pain, The Abolition of Man, and The Great Divorce. Looking forward to finishing Pain, and then addressing the remaining two as I have time in the car on one of my long drives into town.

Perelandra is the first in a strange little sci-fi trilogy. It's the only one of the three that I can recommend. Even then, keep your mind open and give your theology something to do in another room.

The movie, "Shadowlands" is a biographical account of his adult life, and I loved it. His relationship with Joy Gresham and resulting marriage are its main theme and very well done.

Great man, great work, great day.

Thank You, Lord, for this humble, remarkable soul.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Day 333

I am grateful for freedom.

There are so many things to be free from and free to do! Being the patriot that I am, the first thing that the word "freedom" brings to mind is our personal and individual freedoms, those inalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

The other thing is spiritual freedom. As believers, we are free from the law of sin and death. We not slaves to sin, but we're alive to God. I'm "free to live, free to give, free to be. I'm free to love You, Lord" as the lyrics go in "Holding Nothing Back" by Jesus Culture. I'm not only free from something--I'm free to do things that defy logic and human nature.

After a driver on a major highway here ventured back and forth across the median and into oncoming traffic, his vehicle hit a truck, killing the five children in it and critically injuring the father. That wiped out one woman's whole family. The response of the parents and grandparents? "We forgive him." One reported asked the grandfather, "How do you do something like that?" I'll never forget that grand man's response. "It's a decision you make long before it happens." Freedom in Christ allows a freedom that mighty to forgive a tragic, senseless collision. A curious world looks on and witnesses the impossible. We are free to live the eleventh commandment, "Love your neighbor as yourself."

Thank You, Lord, Your for sweet, glorious freedom.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Day 332

I am grateful for clear roads.

Roads that don't look like this.

I love the beauty of a snow covered landscape. I just hate driving in it, always have. I tend to future trip, which I know is worthless, but that's where I go when I start sliding around or fishtailing. I almost put the truck in the ditch a while ago on my way to pick up Kev from the church parking lot because he was sure the Malibu wouldn't make it up our road. Note to temporarily ditzy self:  Use 4WD in the snow!

Thank You, Lord, for the gift of clear roads.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Day 331

I am grateful for Lori.

She and I met when we moved across the road from her family. We were nine. My brother, Terry, had already met her and kept urging me to meet her as well, but I was shy and wouldn't do it. She came over one day and introduced herself, and the rest is history.

We have some silly memories, like marching with our arms around each other, chanting in unison, "I hate YOU! I hate YOU!" We have endearing memories, like when she called to tell me that if her baby was a girl, she wanted her middle name to be Cynthia.

She lives in Nevada and has for most of her life. I haven't seen her in years, but I know that if she were to walk in my house right now, we would pick up right where we left off, just like we always have. There is something about a childhood friend that just keeps you friends forever. It's like, "If she was my friend when I was a dumb little twit, she'll stay my friend until I die." I miss her and will love her always. Bless her on this, her birthday.

Thank You, Lord, for my Lori.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Day 330

I am grateful for the work of Brenè Brown.

Dr. Brown is a researcher in the fields of vulnerability and shame. I was compelled to listen to every word. The topics are novel to me, two things I have never dwelt on, but rather avoided considering altogether. 

This is an excerpt from one of her TED talks:

"If we’re going to find our way back to each other, vulnerability is going to be that path. And I know it’s seductive to stand outside the arena because I think I did it my whole life and think to myself, “I’m going to go in there when I’m bulletproof and when I’m perfect,” and that is seductive. But the truth is, that never happens, and even if you got as perfect as you could and as bulletproof as you could possibly muster, when you got in there, that’s not what we want to see. We want you to go in, we want to be with you and across from you, and we just want for ourselves and the people we care about and the people we work with, to dare greatly."

Daring Greatly is her newest book, and it hit number one on the New York Times bestseller list last month. I'm listening to her podcasts, working my way through from the oldest. Fascinating material and so far, worth the time.

Thank You, Lord, for this intriguing research.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Day 329

I am grateful for being able to stay at home.

I loved my job in human resources, and I was content with the job I had with an investment company, the last regular job I held. The privilege of being able to stay at home with my kids and be there for them after they were old enough to go to school is something I never took for granted. A lot of families just scrape by, and unemployment is not an option. We made sacrifices to live on one income, and we have never regretted it.

Now, in our empty nest home, I am still thankful for not having to get a job. I do sub in the school district once in a while, but pretty infrequently. Mostly, I hold down the fort and continue pretty much the same chores I had when the kids were here. We have a pretty conventional arrangement, me with household chores and Kev with outside ones, but it suits us, and we're happy with it.

Thank You, Lord, for this blessing.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Day 328

I am grateful for Amazon sales.

While I do like getting out there for Christmas shopping, I don't like to do it frequently, which is what I did for years. With the rise of the Internet, Black Friday sales at Amazon have saved me a lot of time and grief. I can't everything I'm looking for there, but the deals I have found have been appreciable. They're smart to provide a feature like a Wish List so I can check out my family's lists and know that I'm getting them something they actually want. Most of the time I even get free shipping. Maybe I caved, and maybe it's a bad thing for retailers, but in this economy, I need to stretch my dollar as badly as the next girl, and Amazon helps me do that. If it fits, wear it.

Thank You, Lord, for this convenient, economical option.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Day 327

I am grateful for Thanksgiving.

This is the only holiday without a secular twist. This day spotlights a virtue I've been trying to nurture all year with this blog. Gratitude enlarges you, takes you out beyond your own self, and envelops the recipient in honor and appreciation. Those are God things. When we are grateful, we express the heart of the Father for the Son, and the Son for the Father. It is an act of love and selflessness, and perhaps that is the reason a day dedicated to thankfulness can't be hijacked. Unlike Christmas, it was founded in this country, originating from hearts filled with gratitude for God, freedom, and friend.

Thank You, Lord, for this fabulous holiday.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Day 326

I am grateful for libraries.

Because of these marvelous institutions, I can test all kinds of media to see if :  1) I like them, or 2) I want to buy them. I feel fortunate to have three available to me. The largest is the one I wish I had easier access to, but unfortunately, it's the farthest distance.

It would be great to have a library in my own home, one kind of like this, but cuter. There's a small one in the bedroom reserved for the "friends" who have meant the most to me. It's a rather narrow and small bookcase, but it fits, and Kev made it when he was in middle school. It lived in his grandma's house until she moved into a nursing home. I'm glad it's still in the family.

Books, DVD's, CD's, magazines, computers, and helpful people who can point me toward the answer to almost any question--tax dollars at their best use!

Thank You, Lord, for this great privilege.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Day 325

I am grateful for Glenice.

From head to toe and inside to out, she is precious. She has the energy of three people, she is vivacious, honest, adventuresome, hard-working, generous, intelligent, kind, compassionate, and FUN. Just ask my Ryan.

We never know what to expect when Glenice is involved. She once came flying out of our hotel bathroom topless because someone kept knocking on it persistently. She dug an outhouse all by herself just in case Y2K caused big time problems. She's currently thinning their forest with only pruners and a hand saw. She quilts and sews to bless family and friends. Her cooking is deluxe and always makes me happy. She remembers little preferences, and that makes people feel special.

She has always been there for me, never said anything mean or snarky, laughed I when I laughed, and cried when I cried. She is love on wheels, and I will treasure this gift of a Ya-Ya for the rest of my life. Bless her on this, her birthday.

Thank You, Lord, for this incredible soul.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Day 324

I am grateful for The Lord of the Rings.

I know probably the least about this classic saga than anyone else who loves it. I read the books years ago, and then fell deeply in love with the epic tale all over again when the movies came out.

Julie and I went to see The Fellowship of the Ring, and we bawled at the end. We sat entwined in our seats while the theatre drained of viewers. She had just lost her husband in a car accident, and the story was a bitter analogy of her, as Frodo Baggins, setting out on a journey she never intended. As her Samwise Gamgee, I would never leave her side and adventure with her no matter what. The story is wide and deep and full of allegory and just some of THE best storytelling ever. Julie gifted our family with the extended box set of each film the Christmas after they each came out on DVD. They remain one of our family's very most favorites.

Thank You, Lord, for this tremendous story.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Day 323

I am grateful for art.

Like language, it provides a universe of space for the expression of beauty, wonder, emotion, issues, imagination, and perspective. Musical notes, paint,
the written word, sculpture, a camera lens, grid paper, and SO many more mediums that allow us to create without limit! A little tweaking can mean the difference between something good and something great, but it's all in the eyes of the beholder.

There are few things that are truly limitless. I believe that art originates from the nature of the Artist Ultimate who created the original Everything. It is part of who we are, being made in His image. Embedded in us is the desire to take some kind of something and create a work of art, and when we do, it's a pretty great thing.

Thank You, Lord, for art.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Day 322

I am grateful for free music downloads.

I like saving money as much as the next girl. That's why I was happy to find this website a few years ago. They change up their offerings about every month, and of the five or so available, there are usually one or two that worthy of uploading to one of my playlists. They're all Christian artists, but the songs are of every different style, so lots to choose from over the course of time.

Air1 also offers has a free song available for download on its website. It's only one, but it's usually something they play, so if you listen to that station, it's a tune you'll most likely recognize.

Thank You, Lord, for good, free music.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Day 321

I am grateful for the Grand Canyon.

It is a place that puts me into proper perspective. It is immense, I am small. The depth and width and enormity cause silence and a deep thoughtfulness. The fascinating beauty of this chasm sing a mighty chorus to the glory and majesty of the One whose imagination is wild and fantastic and who delights to delight us. This breathtaking creation elicits wonder and worship, pondering and praise, admiration and awe.

Thank You, Lord, for this incredible location.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Day 320

I am grateful for prayer.

To know that I have a direct line to God is awesome, and that's a word I never use except to describe Him. I don't have to wait in line, pick up the phone, fill out a form, or ask someone to give Him a message. Think the words, and bam, He hears them. He even knows them before I form them. Prayer is one of the most powerful forces in our arsenal, available to all for the intercession on behalf of ourselves and others.

I am a creature of bad habits, so I do most of the talking. It's easier to ask Him for all kinds of things than to sit and wait for Him to speak. But whose voice would I rather hear? If you have ever experienced that settling of His words in your mind, you know what I'm saying. You know that wasn't your imagination or genius. That was God. That was prayer. That was communion. I yield my spirit to His, and I have an open Heaven.

Thank You, Lord, for the power and pleasure of prayer.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Day 319

I am grateful for "The Princess Bride."

I loved everything about this movie the first time I ever saw it. I loved the actors, the plot, the humor, and the novelty. I don't usually like physical comedy, but I couldn't stop laughing after Buttercup falls haphazardly down the hillside. I appreciated how the tale is unpredictably interrupted by the little boy with questions or objections. I am probably familiar with lines from this movie more than all others combined:

Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die

Miracle Max:  Mostly dead is slightly alive. With all dead, well, with all dead there's usually only one thing you can do.
Inigo Montoya:  What's that?
Miracle Max:  Go through his clothes and look for loose change.

Vizzini:  No more rhymes now, I mean it!
Fezzik:  Anybody want a peanut?

"You mocked me once, never do it again! I died that day!"

"To the pain."

I had no idea until a few years ago that it's a nerd movie, a movie that nerds know and love. I don't know how I feel about that, but it's one of my favorites, and if that makes me a nerd, then so be it. There are worse things I could be.

Thank You, Lord, for this entertaining classic.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Day 318

I am grateful for police officers.

They protect us from criminals and are our first line of defense against illegal activity. Often the first responders to serious accidents and dangerous events, they put their lives on the line in an effort of justice to keep the good guys safe and the bad guys off the streets. It is the fifth most stressful job of 2012 according to CareerCast.

The dad of a young friend of mine was an undercover policeman for years. After the 911 attack, the FBI recruited him because of his expertise in gang warfare. He told Kev that if we really knew what goes on out there, we would never leave home. That statement alone made me thankful for the brave people who go into this kind of work with their eyes wide open.

Thank You, Lord, for law enforcement officers.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Day 317

I am grateful for veterans.

I love this meme. I subbed at the high school on Friday and was able to attend the Veteran's Day assembly. They take it seriously, and all the students are expected to behave respectfully, which they did. A young veteran was invited to speak. He served in Iraq where four of the guys from his squadron were killed by a mortar blast. He was involved in seeing that their remains were returned to the family after only 36 hours. He told them that if they forget everything else he said, to remember this one thing:  Freedom isn't free. These men were willing to give everything "so that you could be sitting here today, free." A twenty-one gun salute followed outside, after which the band played "Taps."

Let us give thanks corporately for the service and honor of all our American veterans. We are the land of the free and the home of the brave because of their faithful commitment, some to the end of their short lives.

Thank You, Lord, for all who served, and served well.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Day 316

I am grateful for firemen.

The husband of my dear friend Glenice is a fireman. My dear friend Cheryl has a son-in-law who is a fireman. They and their peers are men of character, intelligence, and courage who aren't afraid to work long and hard and sign off their lives if it comes to that. They are at the ready to save our lives, pets, possessions, and sense of security. Every single day. For a living.

Thank You, Lord, for these men and women of service.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Day 315

I am grateful for our deployed military men and women.

We are fortunate to live in a country with military personnel who are willing to put their lives on the line to defend not only our freedom, but the freedom of those who either cannot defend themselves or need help to get it done. I can only empathize with the loved ones left behind to the extent of my own experience apart from someone I love. The difference is that my loved one has not been stationed in a war zone. They have my deepest appreciation for their service—the ones deployed and the ones holding down the fort at home. They are brave, honorable, and deserving of our highest care and respect.

Thank You, Lord, for these military men and women and their families.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Day 314

I am grateful for our local organization that puts on clinics to spay and neuter cats for a nominal fee.

They also provide rabies shots if your cat needs one. Because of this service, hundreds of people have access to a reputable vet who will get the job done at an affordable rate. The numbers of irresponsible pet owners is depressing, but there would be so many more if not for these people. The last four digits are easy to remember too--"m-e-o-w." Cute, eh?

Thank You, Lord, for this generous organization.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Day 313

I am grateful for wildlife.

We are fortunate to live in an area where we see deer on a daily basis. The elk are much more elusive, but we still see them occasionally, which delights my Kevin. He saw a bear drinking from a creek alongside our road last month. We see coyotes too, but those are only nice to view through crosshairs. They're evil.

It's just nice to be looking out and seeing beautiful animals. I know I've made it clear that I thoroughly loathe when they eat my garden and flowers, it's true. The other nine months of the year they're sweet to have around.

Thank You, Lord, for the beauty of these woodland creatures.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Day 312

I am grateful for "Beauty and the Beast."

This was always one of my favorite fairy tales. I love that the protagonist is female, loves books, loves her daddy, and saves the life of an embittered creature. Disney did a beautiful job with this story, and the characters and music are delightful.

I also like that Belle is the daughter of a simple working class man. She possesses the heart and nature of true royalty though, and that's why I love her.

Thank You, Lord, for this lovely story.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Day 311

I am grateful for my cousin, Aida, and her husband, Steve.

She's always laughing and making others laugh. She is zany, kind, generous, thoughtful, and miles of fun. She loves to cook, so her home is always filled with all kinds of great things to eat. Holidays and parties send her to the moon, so she's in heaven whenever she can serve up heaps of food, all delicious because the main ingredient is love.

I have great memories of spending time with her in the Philippines when I was about seven or eight. She would come over, and we'd jump on the bed, sing-songing tunes from commercials. She would be my translator when we would visit family since I didn't know the language. If I told her I liked something of hers, she'd give it to me, so I had to learn how to compliment without triggering her generosity muscle.

Steve is one of the most hard-working conscientious, helpful human beings on the planet. He set things up for Aida's family to move to Texas and has been an all-around tremendous help. He laughs easily, and it's often at his own expense. He's also a terrific sport.

Austin is way too far from here. I miss you, my precious cousin. You and all your wonderful family. Come back soon, k? Bless her on this, her birthday.

Thank You, Lord, for my wunnerful Aida and Steve.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Day 310

I am grateful for no grudges.

Years ago, I started praying to be unoffendable. Offense is the bait of the enemy, and we bite so easily. We make it about the other person, when in reality, everything is vertical. She said something. It hurt. I want to hurt back. The fact is, He allowed it. Why? Ask Him. Seek His heart. Go after His word on it. There is blessing in the pain. I can actually thank Him for these intrusions when I see how much of Him I gained in the process.

She hurt me. You love her. She punched my heart. You love me. I'm crying. Hold me. I hate her. I forgive her with Your forgiveness. And I mean it.

Thank You for freedom from offense.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Day 309

I am grateful for the Boxster.

Brett is buying our Chevy pickup (not the diesel), and we're keeping his Porsche for the winter. He needs a car he can drive in  a Colorado winter. Ryan met him in Billings to exchange vehicles last month, and it just so happened that I needed to be out of the house four days in a row, so guess what funs I had! One of Kev's co-workers recognized me on the road and told him, "So your wife's having some fun these days." Yep.

It was sad that a friend scraped it with his pickup when I was at their house visiting, but their insurance company was prompt, and the bumper is fixed now. We feared the wrath of his wife at him, not the fact that he hit the car.

It'll have a safe home in the barn this winter once we find a car cover for it. I hope it's mouseproof. Yucky to think of them invading such a sweet ride. I've never enjoyed a car as much as I have this one. I washed it and vacuumed it out as soon as we got it. I wonder if I'll do something similar to Brett's children someday... ; )

Thank You, Lord, for this pretty little indulgence.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Day 308

I am grateful for our trip to Israel.

Hard to believe it's been three and a half years since we went to the Holy Land with a group from our church. It's the one place I've wanted to visit since I was little. Something went off inside me at the first announcement. Something like This is for you. And you're going to love it. I knew that funding was one obstacle, but the other, even more foreboding, was Kev. Turned out there were no obstacles at all. Bing, bang, bong--done!

Life-changing. Forever memorable. Instructive. Deep. Eye-opening. Impressive. Relevant. These are some of the words that come to mind when I look back at my time there. I walked where Jesus walked. I swam in the sea where Peter fished. I floated in the Dead Sea. I entered the gates of ancient Jerusalem, strolled around Masada, considered the walls of Jericho, had communion with brothers and sisters at the Garden Tomb, sang in a 2,000 year-old church, hugged a cook whose spirit told him I was a fellow believer, and even yelled at a Jewish boy who tried to spit on my shoes. (Not proud of that.) I filter much through changed lenses because of my encounter with Israel. I hope to go back someday with at least one of our kids. That would be momentous. Another good word.

Thank You, Lord, for this land and its people.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Day 307

I am grateful for classic jokes.

They are easy to understand, repeatable in mixed company, and they remind me of the simple joys of childhood. Each of my kids went through a stage where all they wanted to do was read joke books and tell them to anyone who'd listen. I witnessed their humor evolving. Today they all three make me laugh, and I admire their quick wit, which is often aimed at themselves.

Some jokes I've heard recently:

Q. How much did the pirate pay to have his ears pierced?
A. A buccaneer!

Q. What happens when you eat bullets?
A. Your hair grows out in bangs!

Q. How do spiders communicate?
A. Through the world wide web!

I know, cornball. What can I say...

Thank You, Lord, for classic jokes.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Day 306

I am grateful for wood floors.

This is the before picture. There were large areas where the wood turned gray.

Our guy, Toby, took two days to sand it down to fresh wood. We went over the whole thing with filler, and it was sanded again the next day.

It was weird to have the fridge in the living room.

Honey amber again!

I am not married to housework. These floors don't show every little spill, and they let me go a few days before having to sweep. I love that. They are forgiving and forbearing, as well as warm and lovely.

Thank You, Lord, for wood floors.