Saturday, November 3, 2012

Day 308

I am grateful for our trip to Israel.

Hard to believe it's been three and a half years since we went to the Holy Land with a group from our church. It's the one place I've wanted to visit since I was little. Something went off inside me at the first announcement. Something like This is for you. And you're going to love it. I knew that funding was one obstacle, but the other, even more foreboding, was Kev. Turned out there were no obstacles at all. Bing, bang, bong--done!

Life-changing. Forever memorable. Instructive. Deep. Eye-opening. Impressive. Relevant. These are some of the words that come to mind when I look back at my time there. I walked where Jesus walked. I swam in the sea where Peter fished. I floated in the Dead Sea. I entered the gates of ancient Jerusalem, strolled around Masada, considered the walls of Jericho, had communion with brothers and sisters at the Garden Tomb, sang in a 2,000 year-old church, hugged a cook whose spirit told him I was a fellow believer, and even yelled at a Jewish boy who tried to spit on my shoes. (Not proud of that.) I filter much through changed lenses because of my encounter with Israel. I hope to go back someday with at least one of our kids. That would be momentous. Another good word.

Thank You, Lord, for this land and its people.

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