Affectionately known as Lappy, I am thoroughly grateful for all the things I can do because of this neat-o luxury. And I do consider it a luxury because it isn't necessary to my survival. At least not yet. I have this love-hate thing for her (yes, it's a her) that began when she arrived with a weird glitch that causes the cursor to randomly relocate to an altogether different spot on the page. She's slowing now in her old age (she's four now), but we get by.
Because of Lappy, I can keep in touch on a daily basis with the people I really care about, and in the case of Skype, the only thing I can't do is hug them. But they're right there in front of me, live and in color. It has definitely usurped the title from AT&T of "the next best thing to being there."
For me, it's an outlet for creativity, an instrument for personal finances, the largest shopping mall in the universe, a keeper of precious photos, a marketplace of ideas, a humongous library of music and literature, and of course, a personal communication center. I can almost convince myself that has become necessary... almost.
Thank You, Lord, for Lappy.
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