Not sure why this one didn't come up a whole lot sooner, but it sure makes the cut. I don't know one woman who doesn't have a love affair with this stuff. It's convenient, affordable, welcome, and even healthy. Can't say that for many vices.
There's something about chocolate. I have to have it in the house, and I have to have it on a road trip too. I can go weeks without eating any, but I just have to have it on hand. Sounds like a sickness of some sort, but I haven't been diagnosed, so I just call it a quirk. Sounds less dramatic.
The media is full of studies documenting the glory of dark chocolate, news we women only dreamed of years ago. Yay for researchers! Wish I could've helped in the experimental groups.
Thank You, Lord, for heavenly treats.
chocolate is amazing! I love it with chocolate on it!