I am grateful for my Ya-Yas.
After we saw the movie, "Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood," we became the Ya-Yas. I know that's not original, that there are plenty of other groups of friends who took on that moniker, and these are mine. We were drawn to how very close the friends were. It wasn't until we watched it a second time that we realized all the violence and drinking in the movie!
We began as four, swelled to seven, receded to five, and that's where our number has stayed for several years now. The original core four have always remained. We have met together regularly, met only for birthdays, and gone for months without meeting at all. As we have grown spiritually, we have grown into one another. We share the level of comfort, trust, and familiarity usually reserved for siblings. We get to share all the love without all the grudges and competition! It's a divinely appointed group, and we care for it tenderly.
Thank You, Lord, for these heavenly souls.
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Friday, March 30, 2012
Day 90
I am grateful for my spinning wheel.
This was a gift to my dad when he was seven. He used to visit an elderly couple in the neighborhood, help with chores and just hang out. He didn't have parents and lived in a foster home, so he probably enjoyed their role as grandparents, even if he didn't realize it. The man had only one arm and appreciated what must have been just a wee bit o'help. The lady taught him how to use a spinning wheel and gave him this one on his seventh birthday.
It was being stored at a friend's house when my dad found out I would love to have it and keep it in the family, so he gave it to me. Kev made the platform where we display it with great appreciation. This is a rather odd angle, but I wanted to show how high up it is. My cat just happened to be napping there.
Thank You, Lord, for this lovely heirloom.
This was a gift to my dad when he was seven. He used to visit an elderly couple in the neighborhood, help with chores and just hang out. He didn't have parents and lived in a foster home, so he probably enjoyed their role as grandparents, even if he didn't realize it. The man had only one arm and appreciated what must have been just a wee bit o'help. The lady taught him how to use a spinning wheel and gave him this one on his seventh birthday.
It was being stored at a friend's house when my dad found out I would love to have it and keep it in the family, so he gave it to me. Kev made the platform where we display it with great appreciation. This is a rather odd angle, but I wanted to show how high up it is. My cat just happened to be napping there.
Thank You, Lord, for this lovely heirloom.
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Day 89
I am grateful for almonds.
With all the press they get, everyone knows by now that almonds are a superfood with one ounce packing a tremendous nutritional punch. This website contains a whole bunch of great almond facts, none of which I will cite here for brevity's sake.
Soaking them in water allows for easier and more thorough digestion. Just fill a small jar with almonds, add water, and allow to sit overnight. Drain, refrigerate, and go nuts!
Thank You, Lord, for this tasty powerhouse.
With all the press they get, everyone knows by now that almonds are a superfood with one ounce packing a tremendous nutritional punch. This website contains a whole bunch of great almond facts, none of which I will cite here for brevity's sake.
Soaking them in water allows for easier and more thorough digestion. Just fill a small jar with almonds, add water, and allow to sit overnight. Drain, refrigerate, and go nuts!
Thank You, Lord, for this tasty powerhouse.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Day 88
I am grateful for allrecipes.com.
I have a cupboard full of cookbooks and a box of Taste of Home magazines that weighs 100 pounds. This website is like having all that at my fingertips times a million.
Whether I'm looking for something in particular or need a recipe based on a few select ingredients, this site has become a kitchen staple. Ryan even found a chicken recipe that's become one of our favorites. From appetizers to desserts and liqueurs, this has it all.
Thank You, Lord, for the abundance and the access.
I have a cupboard full of cookbooks and a box of Taste of Home magazines that weighs 100 pounds. This website is like having all that at my fingertips times a million.
Whether I'm looking for something in particular or need a recipe based on a few select ingredients, this site has become a kitchen staple. Ryan even found a chicken recipe that's become one of our favorites. From appetizers to desserts and liqueurs, this has it all.
Thank You, Lord, for the abundance and the access.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Day 87
I am grateful for my Amy flowers.
When Ryan's Amy came to visit for a couple of days over spring break, she came bearing cut flowers, not just for me, but for Jylle as well. Almost two weeks later, and they're still looking fresh and beautiful--just like Amy. (She also brought a six-pack of bottled Coke for Kev.)
Bouquets are a rare pleasure. I'll not only enjoy these for a long while, but I'll keep the memory of the gift for years.
Thank You, Lord, for this precious girl and the gift of her heart.
When Ryan's Amy came to visit for a couple of days over spring break, she came bearing cut flowers, not just for me, but for Jylle as well. Almost two weeks later, and they're still looking fresh and beautiful--just like Amy. (She also brought a six-pack of bottled Coke for Kev.)
Bouquets are a rare pleasure. I'll not only enjoy these for a long while, but I'll keep the memory of the gift for years.
Thank You, Lord, for this precious girl and the gift of her heart.
Monday, March 26, 2012
Day 86
I am grateful for pictures of my kids when they were little.
Time passes with a mad fierceness no matter how quality the time or crammed the days. The days and moments captured in photos evoke the sweetness and treasure of their childhood, of participating in bringing up three souls most precious to me. They are touchstones of a time never to be repeated, but which largely made me who I am.
Thank You, Lord, for these pictures.
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Day 85
I am grateful for note cards.
All my life I have loved stationery. I bought my first pack of note cards in fourth grade when a friend moved away. They were blue and came wrapped in satin ribbon. In high school I upgraded to a complex design cut by laser with a unicorn at the top. I liked unicorns a lot. And rainbows.
I keep a supply on hand so I can zip off a note to someone I'm thinking of, as a get well, a congratulations, birthday, anniversary, or just to say hey. Michael's seems to have a steady supply on sale, and I'm a sucker for cuteness on sale.
The only thing better than sending a note card is receiving one.
Thank You, Lord, for stationery.
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Day 84
I love seeing specific shapes in clouds.
Remember lying on the grass with someone close to you, studying the cumulus slowly drifting past, trying to come up with something novel or funny? I saw animals most of the time, and my little brother saw potty humor, but I think he just made it up to make us laugh.
Hearts and dragons are the most common images I spy now. Perhaps the ancient battle of beauty and beast, of good and evil, is being waged on more levels than we know. Hearts, maybe because I look for them.
I don't remember when I took this picture, but I do recall the delight at having my camera at hand. It looks like winged joy to me, a heart ascending in carefree satisfaction, simply content to "be." ***sweet sigh***
Thank You, Lord, for the endless variety of these sky knickknacks.
Friday, March 23, 2012
Day 83
I am grateful for zipper hoodies.
While I don't own this particular one, I'd sure like to. They are not only a clothing item that will remain a classic staple for me, as my uniform of choice is casual sporty, it is an easy on/off for someone enduring vasomotor instability, otherwise commonly known as hot flashes. I'm hot--hoodie off. I'm fine--hoodie on. A convenient, comfortable, reasonably fashionable accessory. Love it.
Thank You, Lord, for sporty simplicity and comfort with a zipper.
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Day 82
I am grateful for spring bulbs.
Tuesday was the first day of spring, and it snowed. Just before that though, I spied the toppy tips of my first spring bulbs--narcissus. They were a bonus when we bought this land, a fragrant, cheery, ad welcome accent in what was otherwise an expanse of grass and weeds.
They must have been planted by some ancient homesteader as they shot up packed too closely together, all gangly and smothering one another. I broke up the clumps and replanted them in the front garden and around the border of the front yard. I love their heady fragrance, the in-your-face type. They're deer resistant as well, as are their golden cousin, the daffodil, soon to be on scene.
Thank You, Lord, for this vernal charmer.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Day 81
I am grateful for sandwiches.
The variety, versatility, and deluxeness (I'm sure that's a word) of sandwiches make them one of my very most favorite things to eat and to serve. Besides being portable and delish, they can be as simple or complex as you like. Brett liked them so much in high school that he said he was going to have a sandwich bar in his home when he was out on his own. An in-home Subway sounds pretty great to me.
My faves are Monte Cristo, BLT, California Club, French Dip, and a grilled cheese that would melt Paula Deen's heart. It's barely after 9 a.m., and I'm all ready for lunch just thinking about sammies.
Thank You, Lord, for tremendous variety and providing so abundantly.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Day 80
I am grateful for chocolate.
Not sure why this one didn't come up a whole lot sooner, but it sure makes the cut. I don't know one woman who doesn't have a love affair with this stuff. It's convenient, affordable, welcome, and even healthy. Can't say that for many vices.
There's something about chocolate. I have to have it in the house, and I have to have it on a road trip too. I can go weeks without eating any, but I just have to have it on hand. Sounds like a sickness of some sort, but I haven't been diagnosed, so I just call it a quirk. Sounds less dramatic.
The media is full of studies documenting the glory of dark chocolate, news we women only dreamed of years ago. Yay for researchers! Wish I could've helped in the experimental groups.
Thank You, Lord, for heavenly treats.
Monday, March 19, 2012
Day 79
I am grateful for letters in the mail.
Even when I was little, I loved getting a note in the mail. It was something special just for me, something someone spent time on and saw through just for me. It made me feel special.
I have a handful of friends who will write to me spontaneously. Cheryl sends the best cards. I don't know how she does it or where she finds them, but they are usually funny and perfect. Mae writes at least once a week, and vice-versa. Tina T and I write a whole lot less than we used to, but we have our moments. Belinda will send a card, and in her beautiful handwritten font, encourage and bless me with words and the hug that pops out of the envelope. All are cherished.
Thank You, Lord, for this medium of correspondence that continues to bless me.
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Day 78
I am grateful for throw blankets.
The first throw blanket I ever got was from Tina Nenno, a rich blue chenille with fringe that I thought was the prettiest thing on a couch I'd ever seen. Since then, I've added several and found them to be just the thing to take the edge off during the long cold season we have here.
A hug, a fireplace, a throw blanket--all, some, or one for the chills.
Thank You, Lord, for warmth and comfort.
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Day 77
I am grateful for "The Loft Sessions."
Ryan introduced this CD to us by way of recommending one of the songs to his girlfriend, Amy, who posted it on Facebook. Ten of the ten songs has a place in my personal worship, which is a rare thing since my taste in worship music is rather narrow as compared to my preferences in all other music, which is broad and diverse.
"My Dear" and "Come to Me" are my two favorites, the former having been the subject of a previous post. They are fresh, thoughtful, intelligent, personal, and lovely, a most welcome addition to my musical library.
Thank You, Lord, for this lyrical minister.
Friday, March 16, 2012
Day 76
I am grateful for audio books.
With chores to do, miles to drive, and hikes to take, I really like being able to redeem some of the time listening to recorded books. Most I can download online, but others I wait for from the library. Rip, transfer, boom, done.
Classics, new novels, how-to, motivational, humorous--all a couple of clicks at my fingertips. They're all free into the bargain.
Thank You, Lord, for this oh-so-useful medium.
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Day 75
I am grateful for pumpkin apple muffins.
This fist-sized breakfast not only makes my home smell like a gingerbread house, they're moist and packed with flavor. I keep them in the freezer so we can warm however many we need in just seconds.
Oat bran and flax meal boost the fiber without messing with the flavor. I'm not fond of whole wheat, so I compensate. What started as a Taste of Home recipe is now my own tweaked version, a handful of love with my own secret ingredient, a kiss I blow gently over the batter.
Thank You, Lord, for this great addition to our diets.
This fist-sized breakfast not only makes my home smell like a gingerbread house, they're moist and packed with flavor. I keep them in the freezer so we can warm however many we need in just seconds.
Oat bran and flax meal boost the fiber without messing with the flavor. I'm not fond of whole wheat, so I compensate. What started as a Taste of Home recipe is now my own tweaked version, a handful of love with my own secret ingredient, a kiss I blow gently over the batter.
Thank You, Lord, for this great addition to our diets.
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Day 74
I am grateful for magnification.
I've been wearing contacts since I was 19. About five years ago I started needing reading glasses. I know it's an extremely common thing, but I'm really grateful that we live in a time and place where that can be accommodated so cheaply and easily. There must be so many people who need help like that who can't get it. I don't take this blessing for granted.
Thank You, Lord, for Your provision and grace.
I've been wearing contacts since I was 19. About five years ago I started needing reading glasses. I know it's an extremely common thing, but I'm really grateful that we live in a time and place where that can be accommodated so cheaply and easily. There must be so many people who need help like that who can't get it. I don't take this blessing for granted.
Thank You, Lord, for Your provision and grace.
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Day 73
I am grateful for spring break.
Ryan is home for spring break this week, and I love it. It means a lot of one-on-one time with one of my best friends. My mama muscles flex, and I spring into action in the kitchen, mentally running through my roll-a-dex for his favorites and maybe some new ones he'd enjoy. He came in Friday night, and after running his belongings to his room, asked sheepishly, "Do you have any food? I haven't eaten much today." Do I have food--are you kidding me?! It was so great to see him slug it all down with such gusto.
We played three games of Scrabble yesterday. He won the first and last, but the week is still young, hee hee... We're going on a hike today in the brilliant sunshine, and I'll show him the different options I have for routes. After the screamer of a storm we had last night, it's delightful to see the sun again. And enjoy it with my Ryrie!
Kev and Jylle have their spring breaks in a couple of weeks, and I'll savor that time as well. I just hope we have some sunshine then too. Can't hurt to ask.
Thank You, Lord, for this precious time.
Ryan is home for spring break this week, and I love it. It means a lot of one-on-one time with one of my best friends. My mama muscles flex, and I spring into action in the kitchen, mentally running through my roll-a-dex for his favorites and maybe some new ones he'd enjoy. He came in Friday night, and after running his belongings to his room, asked sheepishly, "Do you have any food? I haven't eaten much today." Do I have food--are you kidding me?! It was so great to see him slug it all down with such gusto.
We played three games of Scrabble yesterday. He won the first and last, but the week is still young, hee hee... We're going on a hike today in the brilliant sunshine, and I'll show him the different options I have for routes. After the screamer of a storm we had last night, it's delightful to see the sun again. And enjoy it with my Ryrie!
Kev and Jylle have their spring breaks in a couple of weeks, and I'll savor that time as well. I just hope we have some sunshine then too. Can't hurt to ask.
Thank You, Lord, for this precious time.
Monday, March 12, 2012
Day 72
I am grateful for walking sticks.
Brett made a great walking stick a few years ago, and it's just been leaning against a wall until now. There's still snow on all the trails I hike, and going down a long draw the other day, conditions were dicey, so I found a stick of decent strength and used it to work my way down. Yesterday I used Brett's, which was much smoother and sturdier. So grateful.
Thank You, Lord, for such a simple help.
Brett made a great walking stick a few years ago, and it's just been leaning against a wall until now. There's still snow on all the trails I hike, and going down a long draw the other day, conditions were dicey, so I found a stick of decent strength and used it to work my way down. Yesterday I used Brett's, which was much smoother and sturdier. So grateful.
Thank You, Lord, for such a simple help.
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Day 71
I am grateful for hikes.
We're blessed to live in a beautiful area flanked by neighbors who let us hike their property. There are old logging roads that let us create routes of varied length and challenge.
Whether I want a great workout or just a quiet stroll in the piny woods, all I have to do is strap on my boots and head out to the backyard. I'm spoiled rotten.
Thank You, Lord, for Your peaceful paths.
We're blessed to live in a beautiful area flanked by neighbors who let us hike their property. There are old logging roads that let us create routes of varied length and challenge.
Whether I want a great workout or just a quiet stroll in the piny woods, all I have to do is strap on my boots and head out to the backyard. I'm spoiled rotten.
Thank You, Lord, for Your peaceful paths.
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Day 70
I am grateful for vitamin E oil.
For years I tried getting rid of the eczema on my left palm, finding the best relief with a steroid cream. It reined in the redness and itching, but the condition always remained. It took a toll on the skin to the point that my hands looked like they belonged to two people of different ages.
Last year my friend, Tina Nenno, asked if I'd tried vitamin E oil. I bought some and applied it daily. Within a month the eczema cleared up, and I've had only two tiny incidents ever since. Just a dab or two, and it's gone again. Lovely!
Thank You, Lord, for sweet relief.
For years I tried getting rid of the eczema on my left palm, finding the best relief with a steroid cream. It reined in the redness and itching, but the condition always remained. It took a toll on the skin to the point that my hands looked like they belonged to two people of different ages.
Last year my friend, Tina Nenno, asked if I'd tried vitamin E oil. I bought some and applied it daily. Within a month the eczema cleared up, and I've had only two tiny incidents ever since. Just a dab or two, and it's gone again. Lovely!
Thank You, Lord, for sweet relief.
Friday, March 9, 2012
Day 69
I am grateful for fruit.
Besides being good for you, the melangé of colors in one large bowl is a beautiful, natural decoration. The variety of shapes and flavors is a testimony to God's imagination.
We always had fruit in the house when I was growing up. My mom being from the Philippines, it was a staple. We'd run out of milk or bread before we ever ran out of fruit.
Atop my list of faves are watermelon, crisp red grapes, and blackberries. Can't wait for summer!
Thank You, Lord, for Your glorious garden!
Besides being good for you, the melangé of colors in one large bowl is a beautiful, natural decoration. The variety of shapes and flavors is a testimony to God's imagination.
We always had fruit in the house when I was growing up. My mom being from the Philippines, it was a staple. We'd run out of milk or bread before we ever ran out of fruit.
Atop my list of faves are watermelon, crisp red grapes, and blackberries. Can't wait for summer!
Thank You, Lord, for Your glorious garden!
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Day 68
I am grateful for my computer.
Affectionately known as Lappy, I am thoroughly grateful for all the things I can do because of this neat-o luxury. And I do consider it a luxury because it isn't necessary to my survival. At least not yet. I have this love-hate thing for her (yes, it's a her) that began when she arrived with a weird glitch that causes the cursor to randomly relocate to an altogether different spot on the page. She's slowing now in her old age (she's four now), but we get by.
Because of Lappy, I can keep in touch on a daily basis with the people I really care about, and in the case of Skype, the only thing I can't do is hug them. But they're right there in front of me, live and in color. It has definitely usurped the title from AT&T of "the next best thing to being there."
For me, it's an outlet for creativity, an instrument for personal finances, the largest shopping mall in the universe, a keeper of precious photos, a marketplace of ideas, a humongous library of music and literature, and of course, a personal communication center. I can almost convince myself that has become necessary... almost.
Thank You, Lord, for Lappy.
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Day 67
I am grateful for flip flops.
I own about 20 pair, and I wear them year round (but just in the house during the colder seasons). I have all kinds of colors, and I usually get a new pair once a year as the older ones fade into the sunset. Or someone gives me a flat tire and ruins them completely.
I've thought of saving the single ones that remain undamaged and giving them to someone with only one foot, but until now I had no idea how to locate that someone. Thanks to the wonders of the Internet, I'm going to check out this website with a program called One Shoe Crew that helps people who need only one shoe.
Thank You, Lord, for two feet and flip flops to deck them out in.
I own about 20 pair, and I wear them year round (but just in the house during the colder seasons). I have all kinds of colors, and I usually get a new pair once a year as the older ones fade into the sunset. Or someone gives me a flat tire and ruins them completely.
I've thought of saving the single ones that remain undamaged and giving them to someone with only one foot, but until now I had no idea how to locate that someone. Thanks to the wonders of the Internet, I'm going to check out this website with a program called One Shoe Crew that helps people who need only one shoe.
Thank You, Lord, for two feet and flip flops to deck them out in.
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Day 66
I am grateful for chocolate chip cookies.
I like them not to eat myself, but to make and give away. They were a staple when the kids had friends over, or I'd give them as gifts. I love the joy it gives me when the recipients are excited and grateful. Ryan's friends, Justin and Bekie, always give the best reactions.
If you ask ten bakers for a sample of their best chocolate chip cookie, you'll probably get ten fairly different cookies. I didn't come across the perfect recipe, so I started with a base I liked and kept tweaking it from there until I came up with one that seemed to make the most people happy.
It's been a joy.
Thank You, Lord, for this sweet treat.
I like them not to eat myself, but to make and give away. They were a staple when the kids had friends over, or I'd give them as gifts. I love the joy it gives me when the recipients are excited and grateful. Ryan's friends, Justin and Bekie, always give the best reactions.
If you ask ten bakers for a sample of their best chocolate chip cookie, you'll probably get ten fairly different cookies. I didn't come across the perfect recipe, so I started with a base I liked and kept tweaking it from there until I came up with one that seemed to make the most people happy.
It's been a joy.
Thank You, Lord, for this sweet treat.
Monday, March 5, 2012
Day 65
I am grateful for yarn.
I love the color, the texture, the unlimited uses for it, and the incredible creations people make with it. The softer, the better, and there are so many degrees of softness available now! When I was young, the only yarn I ever saw was the Red Heart stuff made of acrylic that pilled after only a few washings. It's a whole different world nowadays, and talented people are making some beautiful items of better, finer quality.
While I am not one of those people, I thoroughly appreciate those who are, and more power to 'em. (It's like watching an Olympic runner. I can't run, but I can sure applaud someone who can.) Jylle is enjoying crocheting, and for a while we made a trip to Michael's every week. The gladness she derived from accomplishing each item one by one was a joy to watch. We each have a container for our weaving supplies, and I never tire of the collage of color, size, and feel of them all together.
Thank You, Lord, for creating endless variety.
I love the color, the texture, the unlimited uses for it, and the incredible creations people make with it. The softer, the better, and there are so many degrees of softness available now! When I was young, the only yarn I ever saw was the Red Heart stuff made of acrylic that pilled after only a few washings. It's a whole different world nowadays, and talented people are making some beautiful items of better, finer quality.
While I am not one of those people, I thoroughly appreciate those who are, and more power to 'em. (It's like watching an Olympic runner. I can't run, but I can sure applaud someone who can.) Jylle is enjoying crocheting, and for a while we made a trip to Michael's every week. The gladness she derived from accomplishing each item one by one was a joy to watch. We each have a container for our weaving supplies, and I never tire of the collage of color, size, and feel of them all together.
Thank You, Lord, for creating endless variety.
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Day 64
I am grateful for simple things.
Life can be complicated, and I deal best with small raised garden plots of thought and concern. I don't think on different levels at the same time. While the committee in my head make varying comments all at once, it's still based on the same thought.
Simple things make me happy.
I like ball bearings, maybe because they're shiny, maybe because they look exactly the same no matter how I hold them. My Kathy gave this red heart to me because she knows that heart shapes make me think of her, which causes me to pray for her. Snuggled in the little mug that Brett made when he was in high school, it's a cute little collage of simple smile-makers.
A smile, a single flower, blue ink on white paper, clear marbles, three-ingredient dinners, straightforward instructions that make sense, yes or no, sweet tea, a plant whose only need is water, bubbles, grilled cheese sammies, soap and water, A-line dresses, "Jesus Loves Me"--all these simple things and so many more are simply happy-making in a world where there is so much complication.
Thank You, Lord, for simple things for this simple girl.
Life can be complicated, and I deal best with small raised garden plots of thought and concern. I don't think on different levels at the same time. While the committee in my head make varying comments all at once, it's still based on the same thought.
Simple things make me happy.
I like ball bearings, maybe because they're shiny, maybe because they look exactly the same no matter how I hold them. My Kathy gave this red heart to me because she knows that heart shapes make me think of her, which causes me to pray for her. Snuggled in the little mug that Brett made when he was in high school, it's a cute little collage of simple smile-makers.
A smile, a single flower, blue ink on white paper, clear marbles, three-ingredient dinners, straightforward instructions that make sense, yes or no, sweet tea, a plant whose only need is water, bubbles, grilled cheese sammies, soap and water, A-line dresses, "Jesus Loves Me"--all these simple things and so many more are simply happy-making in a world where there is so much complication.
Thank You, Lord, for simple things for this simple girl.
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Day 63
I am grateful for red velvet frozen yogurt.
Froyo is a treat that Jylle and I enjoy after a trip to her dentist, where she gets a coupon for a free small bowl if she wears the t-shirt that advertises their business. She's usually the only one who gets something, but that all changed during our last visit.
I love red velvet cake (and Costco sells a deluxe one!), so my curiosity was piqued when I saw this flavor. I asked to sample it, and it was love at first bite. At first, it was the flavor of the cake that got me. This tastes like the actual cake. Then it spread and blossomed and became the flavor of the cake and vanilla ice cream. (We blend cake and ice cream together madly and call it a Tornado.) The level of yum spiked!
I haven't loved a food like this in a long time. That was Tuesday. I had another small bowl yesterday. Suffice to say, I'll be hiking a little longer and a little faster just to keep pace with this new obsession.
Thank You, Lord, for delicious delights.
Froyo is a treat that Jylle and I enjoy after a trip to her dentist, where she gets a coupon for a free small bowl if she wears the t-shirt that advertises their business. She's usually the only one who gets something, but that all changed during our last visit.
I love red velvet cake (and Costco sells a deluxe one!), so my curiosity was piqued when I saw this flavor. I asked to sample it, and it was love at first bite. At first, it was the flavor of the cake that got me. This tastes like the actual cake. Then it spread and blossomed and became the flavor of the cake and vanilla ice cream. (We blend cake and ice cream together madly and call it a Tornado.) The level of yum spiked!
I haven't loved a food like this in a long time. That was Tuesday. I had another small bowl yesterday. Suffice to say, I'll be hiking a little longer and a little faster just to keep pace with this new obsession.
Thank You, Lord, for delicious delights.
Friday, March 2, 2012
Day 62
I am grateful for AAA.
My parents gifted me with a AAA membership back when we owned a Jeep that I kept driving into ditches. Well, I guess the first red flag for them was when I ran out of gas with all three kids, who were all little at the time. Anyway, we've kept it up through the years, and it always came in handy.
I believe Ryan holds the record for being the cause of most of our calls. One year after several requests for roadside assistance, the guy from the business who called for directions recognized our initial information and asked, "Is that the little silver Subaru Legacy?" It's just not a good sign when you're familiar to these guys.
His best one was running out of gas in the middle of Nowhere, Montana, though. The four of us were on our way to Texas to deliver Brett's new CRV to him. Ryan was driving, talking to God, singing His praises, enjoying the star-bedazzled sky, one arm on the other at the top of the wheel, when the engine very unceremoniously went quiet, coming to a gentle halt along the side of the freeway. "Oh, no....." is what we woke up to.
The latest incident was two nights ago when Jylle's friend, Cassie, stopped by to show us the gory slash on her forehead that was actually stage makeup. On her way down our driveway, she was going too fast and was distracted by her desire to honk twice at the same spot where Jylle does, which is my kids' trademark way of beeping goodbye to me. She missed the curve and went sliding over the bank, taking down the electric wire and a metal fence post, stopping inches from the roadside fence strung with barbed wire.
They ended up not showing until this morning, but it all worked out. They aren't adding this to our "record" or whatever it's called since they messed up last night and told the tow place that we canceled. Free pass. This time.
Thank You, Lord, for Your thorough care over us.
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Day 61
I am grateful for dental insurance.
Two crowns are planted in my mouth, and our insurance covered them at 100 percent. That's pretty much unheard of, at least around here. Kev needs some complicated work done, and we're overjoyed at how they have always come through for us.
Our medical insurance is patchy at best, and I've developed a deep resentment for our company in particular which has gypped, shortchanged, and otherwise swindled us out of thousands over the years, coming up with new and clever ways to avoid paying for what we might not have had done if only we had understood the fine print. We're not dumb people, just maybe too trusting, believing people will do the right thing.
Thank Goodness that at least one company has the integrity to rise above the common and actually provide. In this time of economic instability, we are blessed to have this kind of coverage.
Thank You, Lord, for Your extravagant provision.
Two crowns are planted in my mouth, and our insurance covered them at 100 percent. That's pretty much unheard of, at least around here. Kev needs some complicated work done, and we're overjoyed at how they have always come through for us.
Our medical insurance is patchy at best, and I've developed a deep resentment for our company in particular which has gypped, shortchanged, and otherwise swindled us out of thousands over the years, coming up with new and clever ways to avoid paying for what we might not have had done if only we had understood the fine print. We're not dumb people, just maybe too trusting, believing people will do the right thing.
Thank Goodness that at least one company has the integrity to rise above the common and actually provide. In this time of economic instability, we are blessed to have this kind of coverage.
Thank You, Lord, for Your extravagant provision.
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