How many of us have held a door for someone who never bothered to say Thank you? Who hasn't been allowed to go before a stranger in the grocery store who had a full cart when we had only two items? Who doesn't like it when a driver actually gives you the wave when you let him in your lane?
I often come back from a big trip to town tired and a little worn out. Yesterday's sunshine went a long way toward making my day pretty sweet already, but it was the simple kindnesses of strangers that refreshed and encouraged me. A woman apologized for bumping me. A receptionist was understanding when I didn't have my insurance card with me. A pharmacist was patient and caring when I had questions. A man made interesting small talk while we stood in line. A store clerk thanked me enthusiastically when I brought back something I accidentally hadn't paid for. A cashier took time to think of where something was that I needed.
Kindness is proactive. I can't show kindness if I don't do something. It should have its own verb form. She kinded me. They kind everywhere they go. He was kinding at the mall. I will kind whomever I meet.
Stephen Grellet wrote, "I expect to pass through this world but once. Any good thing, therefore, that I can do or any kindness I can show to any fellow human being let me do it now. Let me not defer nor neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again." I am inspired.
Thank You, Lord, for embodying Kindness.