I am grateful for Lydia.
When I was 12, my mom told me to start praying for a good husband, that he was out there somewhere, and God would bring us together. When I was about 16, I added and "good, healthy children" to that prayer. After we had kids, I started praying for the person they would one day marry, for their upbringing to be sound and godly and their hearts to be His.
When Brett brought Lydia home so we could all meet, we knew he intended to marry her. The fact that they'd only dated a matter of months and this was the first time we'd ever met her made no difference whatsoever to me--God had planted a titanic love for her in my heart.
We had a minute alone in the laundry room where I closed the door and faced her. Hugging her to me and with unsteady voice, I told her, "I'm so glad to be able to hold the first answer to our prayer for a godly spouse for our kids in my arms. I'm so grateful."
She is Brett's soulmate, and as corny as it is, they complete each other. He is solid ground for her, and she gives him wings. She adds joy, whimsy, flair, spunk, intelligence, order, tenderness, grace, sweetness, and love to our family. How's that for an answer to prayer?!
Thank You, Lord, for our Princess.
You just made me cry very hard.....I love you for that.