Specifically, I'm grateful for Chicago style stuffed pizza. The first time I ever heard of it was when my mom brought us some from Texas. I thought They're right--everything IS bigger in Texas! It made a walloping impression on me, so I was pretty excited back when I heard that Papa Murphy's was making them. I imagine that anyone who's ever had the genuine stuff from Chicago would say I have no idea what good can be, and they'd be right. This is what I have though, and it's deluxe!
I have to say that I'm glad I haven't had one better than this because then I'd be ruined. Like having real Texas barbecue at The Branding Iron in Wichita Falls--ruined.
We don't have it often, maybe just once a year, and one piece is plenty. It's a sensory feast for mouth and mind, and I love it.
Thank You, Lord, for this bit of fantastico.
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