I am grateful for the word "precious."
I reflected for some time on this 100th day. Our president is evaluated, and his accomplishments thus far are critiqued at 100 days into his administration.
This day's dedication seems fitting--not of anything I have done, but what has been done for me.
of high price or great value; very valuable or costly.
highly esteemed for some spiritual, nonmaterial, or moral quality.
dear; beloved: a precious child.
I really dig that last one because that's what I am to Him. That's what I think of the ones I cherish. It's the nickname my mom gave Jyllea from the moment she was born. It fits perfectly those irreplaceable, priceless souls who are ours for only a short while. Life is hard, but God is precious.
Thank You, Lord, for manifesting the meaning of this word.
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