I am grateful for Dr. James Dobson.
When I was pregnant with my first child, the private pilot for the company I worked for gifted us with a book called Dare to Discipline. It was full of good sense, effective techniques, and wisdom for parents. As our children grew, we incorporated much of Dr. Dobson's counsel, and I think they turned out pretty solid.
I'm impressed that while he was the head of Focus on the Family, he received no salary. He made his living on book sales. He's endured slurs, unjust criticism, and personal attacks from the liberal left who hate him for his stand against living a gay lifestyle, as consistently supported by years of studies, but which is not at all PC to oppose. I've never heard him return insult for insult. I think he's a good, wise, kind patriot who has lived a life of integrity, truth, and a whole-hearted concern for marriage and family around the world.
Thank You, Lord, for this good man.
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