I am grateful for God's provision all year long.
This blog was a project that seemed both attractive and challenging when it first occurred to me, motivated by Cake and my princess daughter-in-law. To name one thing I was grateful for every single day of one year seemed little compared to all that I am blessed with, all that I have been gifted and have received in extravagant abundance.
Lord, You have provided, guided, delivered, reminded, strengthened, deepened, broadened, and come alongside me every single second of every single day of this year. Every blessing that I know, every good and perfect gift, everything that I hold dear and of any degree of value came from You. You are Provider, Comforter, Helper, Advocate, Intercessor, Strengthener, Standby, Song, and Best Friend. You are always and only Good, Author of all that is of highest accord. This year and every year before and every one after are provided for by Your gracious hand. There are no greater thanks and worship I can offer here for Who You are and what You have done.
Thank You, Lord, for this encounter with You.
Monday, December 31, 2012
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Day 365
I am grateful for order.
Order keeps me sane. It allows life to run smoothly. It provides predictability so that I don't have to modify, adapt, substitute, pinch hit, question, or panic.
It's ironic because I'm a pile person. I have to be intentional about keeping spaces tidy. When I get busy or lazy and surfaces become filled with loose ends and just "stuff", I get gritchy. Then I launch into nesting mode, and it's every man for himself. We needed housesitters one weekend, and it was our youth pastor and his wife. She commented to Jylle afterward, "Your mom is so organized." My jaw dropped when Jylle told me. No one has ever accused me of that in my entire life, and it made me so happy.
Whether it's cupboards, shelves, drawers, nature, or life, I appreciate order. It makes the world go round in an organized way, and I am thankful.
Ours is a God of order. All of nature gives testimony to intelligent design. The seasons bring their own weather, and we know generally what to expect. Life is arranged according to a certain grid and for our benefit. There are bunchloads of stuff that happen outside of that, but it's the ordinary, everyday, and expected that I am thankful for here.
Thank You, Lord, for order.
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Day 364
I am grateful for humility.
"If you are humble, nothing will touch you, neither praise nor disgrace, because you know what you are.” ~Mother Teresa
I am so drawn to the humble heart. One of the things I dearly love is discovering that someone did something without ever mentioning it. I also very much appreciate a straightforward "Thank you" after gratitude is expressed, even when it's not by me. This is one of the best definitions of humility: A humble person isn't one who thinks less of himself. It's one who thinks of himself less. Humility is not putting yourself down. It's knowing who you are, Whose you are, and what that means. It comes from abiding in wisdom and grace.
The peacocks of the world can take it somewhere else. A humble heart is one of the most beautiful things in the universe.
Thank You, Lord, for humility.
"If you are humble, nothing will touch you, neither praise nor disgrace, because you know what you are.” ~Mother Teresa
I am so drawn to the humble heart. One of the things I dearly love is discovering that someone did something without ever mentioning it. I also very much appreciate a straightforward "Thank you" after gratitude is expressed, even when it's not by me. This is one of the best definitions of humility: A humble person isn't one who thinks less of himself. It's one who thinks of himself less. Humility is not putting yourself down. It's knowing who you are, Whose you are, and what that means. It comes from abiding in wisdom and grace.
The peacocks of the world can take it somewhere else. A humble heart is one of the most beautiful things in the universe.
Thank You, Lord, for humility.
Friday, December 28, 2012
Day 363
I am grateful for creativity.
Creating is one of the many wonderful attributes of God. We are made in His image, and we experience divine wonder and joy when we create something good.
Lydia knitted a cowl for me for Christmas in my favorite color, and it's beautiful, kind of like this one, but a design that's lacy and feminine. She included a pick so that it can be arranged around the neck and pinned in place.
Amy drew a copse of birch trees and lithographed it herself. She signed, numbered, and wrote out Proverbs 17:6 on them and gave one to each family or couple in her family and Ryan's for Christmas. They were sweetly wrapped in cardboard and jute. I wish I had a picture of it.
Jylle crochets hats and headbands like this one. She made a black headband with a gray flower on it for me, and it's so comfortable and warm. She has made hats for her brothers, friends, and herself that are cool and comfy.

I made Lydia an earring holder like the one below. I first saw one in Amy's dorm room that she made herself. It's similar to this one, but the frame has sparklies in it and so does the lace. It was so fun to put together.
The majority of pins on Pinterest have creativity at their heart. Food, crafts, architecture, clothing, music, photography, gardening, and all combinations of everything come together at a site that screams Imaginative! Clever! I want that! Those are some of the same exclamations I make when I witness God's creative genius.
Thank You, Lord, for creativity.
Creating is one of the many wonderful attributes of God. We are made in His image, and we experience divine wonder and joy when we create something good.
Lydia knitted a cowl for me for Christmas in my favorite color, and it's beautiful, kind of like this one, but a design that's lacy and feminine. She included a pick so that it can be arranged around the neck and pinned in place.
Amy drew a copse of birch trees and lithographed it herself. She signed, numbered, and wrote out Proverbs 17:6 on them and gave one to each family or couple in her family and Ryan's for Christmas. They were sweetly wrapped in cardboard and jute. I wish I had a picture of it.
Jylle crochets hats and headbands like this one. She made a black headband with a gray flower on it for me, and it's so comfortable and warm. She has made hats for her brothers, friends, and herself that are cool and comfy.

I made Lydia an earring holder like the one below. I first saw one in Amy's dorm room that she made herself. It's similar to this one, but the frame has sparklies in it and so does the lace. It was so fun to put together.
The majority of pins on Pinterest have creativity at their heart. Food, crafts, architecture, clothing, music, photography, gardening, and all combinations of everything come together at a site that screams Imaginative! Clever! I want that! Those are some of the same exclamations I make when I witness God's creative genius.
Thank You, Lord, for creativity.
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Day 362
I am grateful for homecomings.
Jylle came home for Christmas break on the 7th. Ryan and Amy arrived for a couple of days on the 18th, along with Brett and Lydia. My babies were all home! I love homecomings!
We were all together, the seven of us for less than 48 hours, but I savored every bit of it. I can't even count the number of times I breathed thanks for such precious time. With Brett scheduled to be deployed in Afghanistan this coming March, it was a week full of love, fun, and meaning. Brett was home!
The third annual Crae Bon Rye was a smash. Ryan buys a crab for everyone and some other kind of seafood, and enjoying them all together is his Christmas gift to us all. Brett and Lydia participated in the first one, so it was wonderful to be reunited for such a lavish event. Ryan was home!
Jylle lives at my dad's now and isn't in medical school, so her homecomings can be more frequent than the boys'. They're always sweet though, and I look forward to every one of them. She doesn't go back to school until the 7th, so I will have had her for a month. Jylle is home!
Over time, I hope Lydia and Amy will come to feel quite at home here. I know it can never be associated with their childhood, but with lots of love and memories, it is my dear wish.
Thank You, Lord, for homecomings.
Jylle came home for Christmas break on the 7th. Ryan and Amy arrived for a couple of days on the 18th, along with Brett and Lydia. My babies were all home! I love homecomings!
We were all together, the seven of us for less than 48 hours, but I savored every bit of it. I can't even count the number of times I breathed thanks for such precious time. With Brett scheduled to be deployed in Afghanistan this coming March, it was a week full of love, fun, and meaning. Brett was home!
The third annual Crae Bon Rye was a smash. Ryan buys a crab for everyone and some other kind of seafood, and enjoying them all together is his Christmas gift to us all. Brett and Lydia participated in the first one, so it was wonderful to be reunited for such a lavish event. Ryan was home!
Jylle lives at my dad's now and isn't in medical school, so her homecomings can be more frequent than the boys'. They're always sweet though, and I look forward to every one of them. She doesn't go back to school until the 7th, so I will have had her for a month. Jylle is home!
Over time, I hope Lydia and Amy will come to feel quite at home here. I know it can never be associated with their childhood, but with lots of love and memories, it is my dear wish.
Thank You, Lord, for homecomings.
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Day 361
By that, I mean being able to enjoy a friendship with both the husband and the wife. We have, in alphabetical order, the Reinhardts (Barb and Dave), the Schaffers (Jim and Betsy), and the Timmermans (Mark and Tina). Kev and I can have conversations with all six of these friends easily, and I truly appreciate that. There is a familiarity and ease with them that makes every get-together more like spending time with family. We all have similar values where faith and family means everything.
I wish I had a picture of all of them for this post, but the ones in my head will have to suffice. Friends are a treasure, and these are souls we cherish in that rich chest.
Thank You, Lord, for these couple friends.
couple friends,
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Day 360
I am grateful for Christmas.
What a precious day. God dressed down and came to us in the most vulnerable form. He was born to die so that we could Live. The angels must have looked on in perplexity and wonder that their glorious, beautiful, all-good King traded His rightful throne and privilege for disgrace and murder. All for the most incredibly wonderful plan in the human timeline.
Love came down and stooped to save a wretch like me. I can barely stand the bewilderment of it. What a day. What a wonder. What a God.
Thank You, Lord, for Christmas Day.
What a precious day. God dressed down and came to us in the most vulnerable form. He was born to die so that we could Live. The angels must have looked on in perplexity and wonder that their glorious, beautiful, all-good King traded His rightful throne and privilege for disgrace and murder. All for the most incredibly wonderful plan in the human timeline.
Love came down and stooped to save a wretch like me. I can barely stand the bewilderment of it. What a day. What a wonder. What a God.
Thank You, Lord, for Christmas Day.
Monday, December 24, 2012
Day 359
I am grateful for Christmas Eve.
I think this tradition began out of a need for simplicity and ease, but we do pizza and a movie on Christmas Eve. We used to attend a candlelight service first, but that's fallen by the wayside.
The tradition of opening one gift on Christmas Eve is one we follow from my childhood. I think my parents either felt sorry for us in our gigantic anticipation of presents, or they were just big kids themselves and thought it would be fun. Either way, it's one we conducted with our own family and continues to provide jolliness all around. The Christmas story from Luke 2, hot chocolate, one gift, and a blanket of contentment make up this day, and I am thoroughly joyful.
Thank You, Lord, for Christmas Eve.
I think this tradition began out of a need for simplicity and ease, but we do pizza and a movie on Christmas Eve. We used to attend a candlelight service first, but that's fallen by the wayside.
The tradition of opening one gift on Christmas Eve is one we follow from my childhood. I think my parents either felt sorry for us in our gigantic anticipation of presents, or they were just big kids themselves and thought it would be fun. Either way, it's one we conducted with our own family and continues to provide jolliness all around. The Christmas story from Luke 2, hot chocolate, one gift, and a blanket of contentment make up this day, and I am thoroughly joyful.
Thank You, Lord, for Christmas Eve.
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Day 358
I am grateful for cures.
Brett & Lydia are here for Christmas break, and time with them has been absolutely heavenly. Our visits with them are seldom, so we relish what little time we get.
Things were going swimmingly when Lydia suddenly got sick. She got a sore throat, and then a migraine. Friends arrived with Musinex, and she was valiantly companionable, but that can only go so far when you're as sick as she was.
Today, she not only still had a sore throat, but had born a cough, chills, and a fever of 102 degrees. I would give my right arm for a cure for her. It is an ache of an altogether different kind to withstand the suffering of a child when I would eagerly take it myself if I only could...
Surely, there is some cure, but I don't know what it is. I would pay the ransom if there was only a deal. In the meantime, I pray fervently and praise the Name that is above all names... The One Who is the cure is our sure stay and standby in this trial.
Thank You, Lord, for Your sure cures.
Brett & Lydia are here for Christmas break, and time with them has been absolutely heavenly. Our visits with them are seldom, so we relish what little time we get.
Things were going swimmingly when Lydia suddenly got sick. She got a sore throat, and then a migraine. Friends arrived with Musinex, and she was valiantly companionable, but that can only go so far when you're as sick as she was.
Today, she not only still had a sore throat, but had born a cough, chills, and a fever of 102 degrees. I would give my right arm for a cure for her. It is an ache of an altogether different kind to withstand the suffering of a child when I would eagerly take it myself if I only could...
Surely, there is some cure, but I don't know what it is. I would pay the ransom if there was only a deal. In the meantime, I pray fervently and praise the Name that is above all names... The One Who is the cure is our sure stay and standby in this trial.
Thank You, Lord, for Your sure cures.
Saturday, December 22, 2012
Day 357
As much as I don't really like answering the phone, I admittedly prefer emails and Facebook messages. BUT--when it all comes down to it, I am encouraged, refreshed, and uplifted by a personal visit. At first, I scurry around trying to fix what I look like. Then, I fret about the amount of food on hand and if it's enough. Ryan prayed a simple prayer for me today, asking for there to be enough and even to multiply it miraculously if that was needed.
We just had two consecutive days of visits from precious friends involving hours of catching up that are beyond price. Food, fun, fellowship, and fun--cannot beat that for Christmastime fare. We pick up right where we left off, and there is nothing like the meeting together of long-time friends who are more like family than chosen relations.
Thank You, Lord, for these wonderful, personal visits.
We just had two consecutive days of visits from precious friends involving hours of catching up that are beyond price. Food, fun, fellowship, and fun--cannot beat that for Christmastime fare. We pick up right where we left off, and there is nothing like the meeting together of long-time friends who are more like family than chosen relations.
Thank You, Lord, for these wonderful, personal visits.
Friday, December 21, 2012
Day 356
I am grateful for grace.
Mercy is not receiving something bad that I deserve. Grace is receiving something good that I do not deserve. I feel like I'll be blown away by all the bad things I was spared and totaled by all the good things from a good God.
Amazing grace, how sweet the sound
that saved a wretch like me!
I once was lost, but now am found,
was blind, but now I see.
T'was Grace that taught my heart to fear
And Grace, my fears relieved.
How precious did that Grace appear
the hour I first believed.
Through many dangers, toils, and snares
I have already come.
T'was grace that brought me safe thus far
and grace will lead me Home.
When we've been here ten thousand years
bright shining as the sun,
we've no less days to sing God's praise
then when we've first begun
My mom would sing this around the house, and it was like spilling a blessing everywhere she walked. It felt as if angels listened with joy and an inability to relate, not being fallen creatures like us. The grace I experience every single day fills me with joy, praise, and humility.
Thank You, Lord, for Your amazing grace.
Mercy is not receiving something bad that I deserve. Grace is receiving something good that I do not deserve. I feel like I'll be blown away by all the bad things I was spared and totaled by all the good things from a good God.
Amazing grace, how sweet the sound
that saved a wretch like me!
I once was lost, but now am found,
was blind, but now I see.
T'was Grace that taught my heart to fear
And Grace, my fears relieved.
How precious did that Grace appear
the hour I first believed.
Through many dangers, toils, and snares
I have already come.
T'was grace that brought me safe thus far
and grace will lead me Home.
When we've been here ten thousand years
bright shining as the sun,
we've no less days to sing God's praise
then when we've first begun
My mom would sing this around the house, and it was like spilling a blessing everywhere she walked. It felt as if angels listened with joy and an inability to relate, not being fallen creatures like us. The grace I experience every single day fills me with joy, praise, and humility.
Thank You, Lord, for Your amazing grace.
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Day 355
I am grateful for spiritual gifts.
We are given at least one spiritual gift at salvation, and used in concert accordingly, it is the most beautiful symphony of the Body as we were designed to be. We were made to support one another, and the physical body is a decent vehicle to view this: My feet take me to the fridge where I get food that my digestive system breaks down to power my feet to take me to the fridge... We carry out our roles according to function and makeup, and all is well.
A great need turns up in someone's life, and when the Body rallies around in provision and support, it's truly a lovely thing to behold. It gives me joy, and God gets praise. Teaching, encouragement, giving, administration, discernment, mercy, prophecy, and service are just a few gifts that have their part in the building up of the Body. They are all facets of God's nature that color and maintain healthy Body Life.
I used to feel shy about naming my gift until I realized that I wasn't shy talking about any other present I was given. Mine is encouragement, and there is nothing like operating it with the Spirit at the helm. It is the easiest, most delightful and novel thing in the world. He is Creator, Gifter, and Gift, and I am deeply grateful.
Thank You, Lord, for spiritual gifts.
We are given at least one spiritual gift at salvation, and used in concert accordingly, it is the most beautiful symphony of the Body as we were designed to be. We were made to support one another, and the physical body is a decent vehicle to view this: My feet take me to the fridge where I get food that my digestive system breaks down to power my feet to take me to the fridge... We carry out our roles according to function and makeup, and all is well.
A great need turns up in someone's life, and when the Body rallies around in provision and support, it's truly a lovely thing to behold. It gives me joy, and God gets praise. Teaching, encouragement, giving, administration, discernment, mercy, prophecy, and service are just a few gifts that have their part in the building up of the Body. They are all facets of God's nature that color and maintain healthy Body Life.
I used to feel shy about naming my gift until I realized that I wasn't shy talking about any other present I was given. Mine is encouragement, and there is nothing like operating it with the Spirit at the helm. It is the easiest, most delightful and novel thing in the world. He is Creator, Gifter, and Gift, and I am deeply grateful.
Thank You, Lord, for spiritual gifts.
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Day 354
I am grateful for Heaven.
I never had any trouble believing in an afterlife. I took it as fact in childlike faith, and I still do. One of my favorite C. S. Lewis quotes is "If we find ourselves with a desire that nothing in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that we were made for another world." It makes marvelous sense.
The book Heaven Is For Real is a wondrous account of a little boy's experience after having gone to Heaven during life-threatening surgery. I believe he really did. The picture of Jesus presented in the book brought tears to my eyes when I first saw it. Those eyes...
I gave Heaven a lot more first after losing Kev's dad, then after losing my mom. What an amazing world that Kingdom must be. No tears, no pain, no evil, only Goodness and Glory. I do not have the tools to imagine a place outside the constraints of time. All the ways I can think of for how life works there intimate some factor of time. How incredible it will be to see people I've missed, people I'd like to meet, and the most wonderful Person of all...
Thank You, Lord, for your Heaven.
I never had any trouble believing in an afterlife. I took it as fact in childlike faith, and I still do. One of my favorite C. S. Lewis quotes is "If we find ourselves with a desire that nothing in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that we were made for another world." It makes marvelous sense.
The book Heaven Is For Real is a wondrous account of a little boy's experience after having gone to Heaven during life-threatening surgery. I believe he really did. The picture of Jesus presented in the book brought tears to my eyes when I first saw it. Those eyes...
I gave Heaven a lot more first after losing Kev's dad, then after losing my mom. What an amazing world that Kingdom must be. No tears, no pain, no evil, only Goodness and Glory. I do not have the tools to imagine a place outside the constraints of time. All the ways I can think of for how life works there intimate some factor of time. How incredible it will be to see people I've missed, people I'd like to meet, and the most wonderful Person of all...
Thank You, Lord, for your Heaven.
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Day 353
I am grateful for mercy.
This picture shows what it felt like to me the other day when I completely lost momentum going up the hill toward home after work. There wasn't that much snow, but it was heavy and slick. I even had Jylle's car because her tires are better than mine
At a dead stop with another 50 feet to go, I had no choice but back down. That put me in rear wheel drive, and when I tapped the break, I slid 90 degrees and faced the cliff. Cliff is too big a word because it would be downhill, but not the Grand Canyon. My front tire was a foot from the edge. I cranked the wheel as far to the right as I could, then let go and felt the car gently roll toward the center of the road. More fervent prayers were never sent up during and after such an occasion.
A car was waiting for me to steer clear, and I managed to dodge her, putt back down the road and attempt the back way. I was almost to the first dicey curve when I remembered there's not just one hill this route, there are three! "Jesus, Take the Wheel" was THE most appropriate song for this excursion, and it's basically what I prayed the entire time.Holy power and angels are what finally got me home, and I couldn't have been more grateful.
The next day, Jylle and I were in the truck, and I was nearing that near-fateful spot when I saw car lights from two vehicles, one of them blocking the road like I did, but facing the bank instead of the cliff. Even in 4WD, I slid at an angle toward the ditch. I did manage to swing around into a driveway and face downhill.Again with the holy power and angels!
I understand that mercy is not receiving something you deserve. I have said and done things for which I deserve more than diving over an embankment. For withholding those judgments and worse ones, I am deeply thankful.
Thank You, Lord, for mercy.
This picture shows what it felt like to me the other day when I completely lost momentum going up the hill toward home after work. There wasn't that much snow, but it was heavy and slick. I even had Jylle's car because her tires are better than mine
At a dead stop with another 50 feet to go, I had no choice but back down. That put me in rear wheel drive, and when I tapped the break, I slid 90 degrees and faced the cliff. Cliff is too big a word because it would be downhill, but not the Grand Canyon. My front tire was a foot from the edge. I cranked the wheel as far to the right as I could, then let go and felt the car gently roll toward the center of the road. More fervent prayers were never sent up during and after such an occasion.
A car was waiting for me to steer clear, and I managed to dodge her, putt back down the road and attempt the back way. I was almost to the first dicey curve when I remembered there's not just one hill this route, there are three! "Jesus, Take the Wheel" was THE most appropriate song for this excursion, and it's basically what I prayed the entire time.Holy power and angels are what finally got me home, and I couldn't have been more grateful.
The next day, Jylle and I were in the truck, and I was nearing that near-fateful spot when I saw car lights from two vehicles, one of them blocking the road like I did, but facing the bank instead of the cliff. Even in 4WD, I slid at an angle toward the ditch. I did manage to swing around into a driveway and face downhill.Again with the holy power and angels!
I understand that mercy is not receiving something you deserve. I have said and done things for which I deserve more than diving over an embankment. For withholding those judgments and worse ones, I am deeply thankful.
Thank You, Lord, for mercy.
Monday, December 17, 2012
Day 352
I am grateful for stuff Kev makes.
I attach additional value to anything he makes. He is so talented and has such high standards for quality that I can always count on them being fine and lasting. There have been a couple times when he's brought something home, and I liked them right off the bat. Upon his announcing that a student made them, their sentimental value completely disappeared. It's got to be made by my guy for reals, not just the product of his supervision and instruction, as great as those things are.
We have furniture, frames, railings, and buildings all made by my loving husband. He has built big and little dreams with his own two hands and given thanks to God for the ability and provision. We pray for a whole lot more opportunities.
Thank You, Lord, for all the stuff Kev makes.
I attach additional value to anything he makes. He is so talented and has such high standards for quality that I can always count on them being fine and lasting. There have been a couple times when he's brought something home, and I liked them right off the bat. Upon his announcing that a student made them, their sentimental value completely disappeared. It's got to be made by my guy for reals, not just the product of his supervision and instruction, as great as those things are.
We have furniture, frames, railings, and buildings all made by my loving husband. He has built big and little dreams with his own two hands and given thanks to God for the ability and provision. We pray for a whole lot more opportunities.
Thank You, Lord, for all the stuff Kev makes.
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Day 351
I am grateful for Jane
I didn't read her classics
until I was a young mom, but I fell in love with them like a lot of other girls. I love the era, the sense of propriety, and the depth of her characters.
The movies have been a source of entertainment for the most part as well. Of
them all, I think “Sense and Sensibility” with Emma Thompson is my favorite,
followed closely by “Emma” with Gwyneth Paltrow.
I wonder if she would be amazed at the lasting quality of her work. Book clubs bearing her name thrive around the world. Libraries and personal shelves house her novels with pride. She was only 41 when she died, but her writing still graces young and old alike. I honor her on this, her birthday.
Thank You, Lord, for Jane Austen.
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Day 350
I am grateful for
Christmas cards.
They usually mean annual
updates from people we don’t get to hear from except at this time of year. I
love the pictures, seeing the kids grow up. I love hearing about this last
year’s adventures and what plans are for the next. It means keeping in touch as
a tradition and an endeavor of the heart. Yes, it can be a lot of work, and
I’ll be late sending our greetings this year, but if I don’t place it in bold,
red, capital letters on my list of urgent to-do’s, there is no pressure, and I
am left with it being my choice to send cards and pictures because I
want to.
I am grateful for the
effort others go to so that I can be apprised of the latest in their lives. I
hope they are equally pleased with mine.
Thank You, Lord, for Christmas cards.
Friday, December 14, 2012
Day 349
I am grateful for packages
in the mail.
That means it’s
Christmastime, time to send ‘em and time to get ‘em. Shopping online has made
my life a whole lot easier, and with all the kids having an Amazon wish list,
gift-giving has taken on a whole new easy.
I exchange an ornament
every year with my friend, Anita, who lives in Arizona. I exchange a gift of
some kind with my Kathy in California. The rest of the boxes are gifts arriving
for friends and family, to be wrapped at a later date, which often means
Christmas Eve. Good stuff, all. I'm a grown-up, and I still light up when I see a parcel in my mailbox.
Thank You, Lord, for
packages in the mail.
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Day 348
I am grateful for Ya-Ya
They’re usually at one of
our homes, but this year’s Christmas party was different. We dolled up and went
to The Davenport for lunch, bags of presents in hand to share once we were
seated at table. Rosie had a test, so she couldn't join us. The original four
of us were together again.
Cheryl, Glenice, and Tina
looked fabulous in their dresses and skirts and black wool coats. On any other
day, I would have sparkled in my jacket, scarf, boots, and jeans, but this day
I felt thoroughly underdressed amongst present company. They looked classically
We are real, we lavish
stories and compliments on one another, and we laugh a whole lot. Giving and
receiving gifts only causes the fun factor to spike, speaking as one whose love
language is gifts.J From Cheryl, we got an oven mitt and two matching
kitchen towels. From Glenice, we got a custom sewn pillow case in our favorite
colors and a blank journal. From Tina, we got a gift bag filled with a bag of
sugared pecans, pumpkin butter, balsamic dressing, the cutest little salt and
pepper shakers, and a knitted headband with a little flower on it made by her
Natalie. From me, they got a pair of striped gloves and a lap warmer. It’s like
a neck warmer, the kind usually made of flannel and filled with some kind of
grain. Heat it in the microwave, and it stays warm for a good, long while. I
wanted something that would cover my lap. Bonus: I can sit on it if my car is cold.
We descended upon Rosie
after she got home from school, and it was bliss being all together again. I
missed last year’s Christmas party, which was at her house, so I felt like it
kind of made up for it to be able to be there spontaneously. She was
overwhelmed by the gifts and the magic of us being there. I nearly cried
hugging her goodbye. We couldn't stay long because Glenice had to pick up her
James at the bus station. Another one
home for the holidays…
This is already too long,
but I couldn't help myself. I’m extremely grateful for these wonderful parties
and these souls who love me not just in spite of my warts, but because of them.
I encounter Jesus in them, which is the mightiest of all gifts.
Thank You, Lord, for Ya-Ya parties.
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Day 347
I am grateful for snow-covered land.
When it snows here, it often feels like I'm inside some humongous snow globe, the owner of which is so gentle that I don't feel the tipping and resetting. Snow coats everything, and there's a stillness in the air unlike any other time. It really does feel like the earth is in some cryogenic still pause, its breathing slowed to the point of being indiscernible. There is a respite from all its abundant, autumnal production and a regeneration in anticipation of a new spring.
While I readily admit that I hate driving in it, it is a beauty I enjoy thoroughly from the comfort of my living room. When it gets deep enough, I can start snowshoeing again. A bonus is getting to see the tracks of the critters who don't get to sleep along with the earth in our winter wonderland.
Thank You, Lord, for this snow-covered land and Your care over it all.
When it snows here, it often feels like I'm inside some humongous snow globe, the owner of which is so gentle that I don't feel the tipping and resetting. Snow coats everything, and there's a stillness in the air unlike any other time. It really does feel like the earth is in some cryogenic still pause, its breathing slowed to the point of being indiscernible. There is a respite from all its abundant, autumnal production and a regeneration in anticipation of a new spring.
While I readily admit that I hate driving in it, it is a beauty I enjoy thoroughly from the comfort of my living room. When it gets deep enough, I can start snowshoeing again. A bonus is getting to see the tracks of the critters who don't get to sleep along with the earth in our winter wonderland.
Thank You, Lord, for this snow-covered land and Your care over it all.
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Day 346
I am grateful for the Christmas story.
Every Christmas we have someone read the Christmas story as accounted for in the first part of the book of Luke, chapter two. It's the simplicity, humility, and commonness of the tale that grips me.
A husband whose wife does not carry his own son travels miles with them to his hometown because of bureaucratic demands. The only place he could acquire for them was the stable of an innkeeper, literally a hole in the wall--a cave. The Creator of the universe lies swaddled in strips of fabric, the same wrappings of the dead, an outright foreshadowing.
Jesus was born. To die. For me. So that I could ask Him one day to save me from a death I deserve in exchange for an eternally joyful life I certainly don't. What IS this love...? It is the story of the Ages, the climax of which all of history hinges. The Christmas story. His story. History.
Thank You, Lord, for this Story of all stories.
Every Christmas we have someone read the Christmas story as accounted for in the first part of the book of Luke, chapter two. It's the simplicity, humility, and commonness of the tale that grips me.
A husband whose wife does not carry his own son travels miles with them to his hometown because of bureaucratic demands. The only place he could acquire for them was the stable of an innkeeper, literally a hole in the wall--a cave. The Creator of the universe lies swaddled in strips of fabric, the same wrappings of the dead, an outright foreshadowing.
Jesus was born. To die. For me. So that I could ask Him one day to save me from a death I deserve in exchange for an eternally joyful life I certainly don't. What IS this love...? It is the story of the Ages, the climax of which all of history hinges. The Christmas story. His story. History.
Thank You, Lord, for this Story of all stories.
Monday, December 10, 2012
Day 345
I am grateful for Christmas trees.
It can tend to be lot of trouble given the right (or wrong) factors, but I always think it's worth it once it's cut, dragged home, defrosted, erected, and finally decorated. The ornaments have great sentimental value, and there are usually memories associated with each one. This will be the 52nd year I have been in a home with a Christmas tree, and I hope I'll enjoy many more.
This picture was taken at my parents' home. The tree came from our property, and it was one of the last real trees they had. It becomes more of an effort when you're older, and I understood their reluctance after all those years. For today, I'm grateful for the beauty, tradition, and fragrance of this annual decoration.
Bless my Jylle on this, her birthday, our family's official kickoff of the Christmas season.
Thank You, Lord, for Christmas trees.
It can tend to be lot of trouble given the right (or wrong) factors, but I always think it's worth it once it's cut, dragged home, defrosted, erected, and finally decorated. The ornaments have great sentimental value, and there are usually memories associated with each one. This will be the 52nd year I have been in a home with a Christmas tree, and I hope I'll enjoy many more.
This picture was taken at my parents' home. The tree came from our property, and it was one of the last real trees they had. It becomes more of an effort when you're older, and I understood their reluctance after all those years. For today, I'm grateful for the beauty, tradition, and fragrance of this annual decoration.
Bless my Jylle on this, her birthday, our family's official kickoff of the Christmas season.
Thank You, Lord, for Christmas trees.
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Day 344
I am grateful for Christmas traditions.
Relying on traditions, on the familiarity of something done once a year, the comfort of anticipating an annual ritual, custom, or event is part of the magic of growing up in a stable family. Kev and I were both extremely blessed to come from such families and to raise our kids in the same way.
Some of our Advent practices include:
Relying on traditions, on the familiarity of something done once a year, the comfort of anticipating an annual ritual, custom, or event is part of the magic of growing up in a stable family. Kev and I were both extremely blessed to come from such families and to raise our kids in the same way.
Some of our Advent practices include:
- A stocking for everyone
- Hiding a tiny, foil-wrapped Baby Jesus in one cinnamon roll, the recipient of which gets to put the real figurine in the manger, emphasizing the reason for the season.
- Opening one gift on Christmas Eve
- Having one person read the Christmas story in Luke 2
- Pizza and a movie after a candlelight service on Christmas Eve
- Enough pumpkin pie for dessert and breakfast
Family traditions provide a kind of stability as well as meaning and significance. What was passed on to me, I added to and passed on to my kids, who in turn, will pass on to their kids to at least some degree. We look back and see the values we were taught and look with hope at future generations absorbing the same, and more.
Thank You, Lord, for Christmas traditions.
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Day 343
I am grateful for Christmas goodies.
My sweet tooth has lost some muscle over the last two years, but making sweet treats at Christmastime is still as appetizing as ever. Fudge, cookies, bars, candy, cakes, breads, sweet rolls, and pies make me all warm inside. They conjure lovely childhood memories, recall the wonderful days when my kids were little and relished a serving plate piled high with tantalizing desserts, and serve still as an way to reach out to people we care about.
Some of our traditions include peanut blossoms, pfefferneuse, M&M cookies, butter shortbread, and the hands-down family favorite, cinnamon rolls on Christmas morning. Everything is made from scratch, I use real butter in everything, and the secret ingredient that makes it taste good even if it turned out bit off--Love. <3 It's what Christmas is all about.
Thank You, Lord, for love on a plate.
My sweet tooth has lost some muscle over the last two years, but making sweet treats at Christmastime is still as appetizing as ever. Fudge, cookies, bars, candy, cakes, breads, sweet rolls, and pies make me all warm inside. They conjure lovely childhood memories, recall the wonderful days when my kids were little and relished a serving plate piled high with tantalizing desserts, and serve still as an way to reach out to people we care about.
Some of our traditions include peanut blossoms, pfefferneuse, M&M cookies, butter shortbread, and the hands-down family favorite, cinnamon rolls on Christmas morning. Everything is made from scratch, I use real butter in everything, and the secret ingredient that makes it taste good even if it turned out bit off--Love. <3 It's what Christmas is all about.
Thank You, Lord, for love on a plate.
Friday, December 7, 2012
Day 342
I am grateful for Christmas music.
Few things move us like music, and even fewer things launch me into a Christmas mood like the music of the season. I love that the carols, hymns, and songs that belong to this time of year fill radio air waves, church services, and my mp3 player.
Two of my favorite contemporary picks are "The Song of Christmas" by Newsong, and "Silver Starlight" by Cliff and Danielle Young. Two of my favorite carols are "Angels We Have Heard on High" and "O Come All Ye Faithful." A catchy albeit in-your-face song is "Christmas With a Capital C" by Go Fish that gets stuck in my head every time I hear it.
I loved being in the Christmas choir when I was in school. I only have what I call a shower voice, so being in a choir allowed me to sing without being noticeable. The music made me feel good, the choir made me feel proud, and the applause made me feel appreciated. I knew it was all win-win for everybody.
Thank You, Lord, for this wonderful genre of music.
Few things move us like music, and even fewer things launch me into a Christmas mood like the music of the season. I love that the carols, hymns, and songs that belong to this time of year fill radio air waves, church services, and my mp3 player.
Two of my favorite contemporary picks are "The Song of Christmas" by Newsong, and "Silver Starlight" by Cliff and Danielle Young. Two of my favorite carols are "Angels We Have Heard on High" and "O Come All Ye Faithful." A catchy albeit in-your-face song is "Christmas With a Capital C" by Go Fish that gets stuck in my head every time I hear it.
I loved being in the Christmas choir when I was in school. I only have what I call a shower voice, so being in a choir allowed me to sing without being noticeable. The music made me feel good, the choir made me feel proud, and the applause made me feel appreciated. I knew it was all win-win for everybody.
Thank You, Lord, for this wonderful genre of music.
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Day 341
I am grateful for helpful employees.
"It's tough to find good help." That's a line I've heard all my life. Seems even truer today. There are scads of people who work for the paycheck and don't love their jobs. What's sad is when that is completely obvious.
There was a lady who works at a fabric store who answered all of my questions with patience and interest. She led me to the fabric I would need for my project, and as I don't sew for much beyond function, I don't know my way around fabrics or notions. When I told her I wanted four yards, she said there wasn't four yards in that bolt. When I saw how much two yards was, I realized that was more than enough. I apologized for not knowing the math, and she said, "There are much worse things. You're very pleasant. I'll take that any day."
What a lovely lady. She was not only helpful, she was gracious. While it's great to get help from someone knowledgeable, the great factor increases exponentially when a dose of grace, kindness, and encouragement are thrown in.
Thank You, Lord, for peppering my buying experiences with helpful, gracious souls.
"It's tough to find good help." That's a line I've heard all my life. Seems even truer today. There are scads of people who work for the paycheck and don't love their jobs. What's sad is when that is completely obvious.
There was a lady who works at a fabric store who answered all of my questions with patience and interest. She led me to the fabric I would need for my project, and as I don't sew for much beyond function, I don't know my way around fabrics or notions. When I told her I wanted four yards, she said there wasn't four yards in that bolt. When I saw how much two yards was, I realized that was more than enough. I apologized for not knowing the math, and she said, "There are much worse things. You're very pleasant. I'll take that any day."
What a lovely lady. She was not only helpful, she was gracious. While it's great to get help from someone knowledgeable, the great factor increases exponentially when a dose of grace, kindness, and encouragement are thrown in.
Thank You, Lord, for peppering my buying experiences with helpful, gracious souls.
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Day 340
I am grateful for prophesying.
I don't mean predicting future events. What I mean is taking your lead from the Holy Spirit and speaking truth and wisdom into someone's life. It's not spooky or weird or voodoo.
The best display of this I have ever witnessed was by a guest speaker at youth group. One by one, he spoke to certain young people and declared specific things. To one girl, he said that dance would be one of her highest forms of worship. He asked, "Do you dance?" Totally surprised and taken aback by his laser accuracy, "She answered, "Yeeeeesss..." He went on a bit more about some other things that applied to her, again with pinpoint accuracy. That happened with about ten other people. It's not based on a hunch or logic or any other human reasoning. It's a work of the Spirit with the intention of building up and encouraging the Body. And I love it.
Thank You, Lord, for this empowering gift.
I don't mean predicting future events. What I mean is taking your lead from the Holy Spirit and speaking truth and wisdom into someone's life. It's not spooky or weird or voodoo.
The best display of this I have ever witnessed was by a guest speaker at youth group. One by one, he spoke to certain young people and declared specific things. To one girl, he said that dance would be one of her highest forms of worship. He asked, "Do you dance?" Totally surprised and taken aback by his laser accuracy, "She answered, "Yeeeeesss..." He went on a bit more about some other things that applied to her, again with pinpoint accuracy. That happened with about ten other people. It's not based on a hunch or logic or any other human reasoning. It's a work of the Spirit with the intention of building up and encouraging the Body. And I love it.
Thank You, Lord, for this empowering gift.
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Day 339
I am grateful for alternative medicine.
All my life we relied on conventional medicine to address all of our health issues. If you have a headache, take a pill. If you have an infection, take a pill. Not until this year after feeling two hundred years old because of a high cholesterol medication did I seriously look into some other path.
A friend recommended her doctor, and going away from that first visit, I finally felt some hope, something I had lost within the bounds of the established medical community. A plaque on the wall is entitled, "Why I Am a Doctor of Chiropractic." The reason that just grabbed me was "Because I choose to care for the patient with the disease, not the disease." He said I'm a whole person, and the whole person needs to be addressed, not just an isolated part of the body. He has studied natural medicine for years, and I finally have someone who will champion my cause. He will take it personally if I don't get better.
It's been three months, and I feel so good. He said it would take about six months to get my numbers back to normal, and I'm right on track. Even beyond that, I feel cared about by everyone in his office. When his wife, who does the accounting, said, "Take care of yourself" after my second appointment, I got choked up. No one in the medical field has ever expressed that to me.
I got rear-ended last month, and he's been treating my neck and back for soreness and ache. This was my third appointment, and I'll probably only need one more. He has been gentle, thorough, encouraging, and professional, like receiving treatment from my brother. I feel safe and valued.
I brought them some pancit for lunch, the hallmark dish from the Philippines. My mom did that all the time, brought food to her health care providers. I wish she could have met these guys, but I'll try to live up to that thoughtful habit of hers. The people in this office make it easy.
Thank You, Lord, for this whole new world.
All my life we relied on conventional medicine to address all of our health issues. If you have a headache, take a pill. If you have an infection, take a pill. Not until this year after feeling two hundred years old because of a high cholesterol medication did I seriously look into some other path.
A friend recommended her doctor, and going away from that first visit, I finally felt some hope, something I had lost within the bounds of the established medical community. A plaque on the wall is entitled, "Why I Am a Doctor of Chiropractic." The reason that just grabbed me was "Because I choose to care for the patient with the disease, not the disease." He said I'm a whole person, and the whole person needs to be addressed, not just an isolated part of the body. He has studied natural medicine for years, and I finally have someone who will champion my cause. He will take it personally if I don't get better.
It's been three months, and I feel so good. He said it would take about six months to get my numbers back to normal, and I'm right on track. Even beyond that, I feel cared about by everyone in his office. When his wife, who does the accounting, said, "Take care of yourself" after my second appointment, I got choked up. No one in the medical field has ever expressed that to me.
I got rear-ended last month, and he's been treating my neck and back for soreness and ache. This was my third appointment, and I'll probably only need one more. He has been gentle, thorough, encouraging, and professional, like receiving treatment from my brother. I feel safe and valued.
I brought them some pancit for lunch, the hallmark dish from the Philippines. My mom did that all the time, brought food to her health care providers. I wish she could have met these guys, but I'll try to live up to that thoughtful habit of hers. The people in this office make it easy.
Thank You, Lord, for this whole new world.
Monday, December 3, 2012
Day 338
I am grateful for pumpkin.
Breads are my favorite use of this pureed goodness. Scones, muffins, loaves, and cookies are tops, and not much beats pumpkin pie a la mode. This is my favorite muffin recipe. They are moist and deluxe, and the recipe is very forgiving.
2 1/2 cups flour
2 cups white sugar
1 tablespoon pumpkin pie spice
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 eggs, lightly beaten
1 cup canned pumpkin puree
1/2 cup vegetable oil
2 cups peeled, cored and chopped apple
Baker's sugar, optional
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Lightly grease 18 muffin cups or use paper liners.
2. In a large bowl, sift together flour, sugar, pumpkin pie spice, baking soda and salt. In a separate bowl, mix together eggs, pumpkin, and oil. Add pumpkin mixture to flour mixture; stirring just to moisten. Fold in apples. Spoon batter into prepared muffin cups.
3. Sprinkle with baker's sugar if desired.
4. Bake in preheated oven for 35 to 40 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into a muffin comes out clean.
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED © 2012 Allrecipes.com Printed from Allrecipes.com 12/5/2012
Thank You, Lord, for creating such a versatile, homey fruit.
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Day 337
I am grateful for disappointments.
It has taken a lifetime to get to the point where I can say that and mean it. I remember thinking that there was something wrong with either that statement or the people who made it. No one should be grateful for that, even if it might be possible.
In the way that rain makes you appreciate sunshine, barren makes you glad for fertile, or din makes you yearn for silence, so disappointments heighten my appreciation for success, pleasure, and satisfaction. In realizing also that God is all about relationship, and His ways are not mine, I can encounter Him in need in a way that I can't when everything is going well. As I trust Him and know that I know that I know He is always and only good, He is expanded in my interior landscape, and He is honored by it. I may not experience the gratitude immediately yet, but it does come, and I am deeply thankful.
Thank You, Lord, that You allow disappointments in order to gift us a far greater joy.
It has taken a lifetime to get to the point where I can say that and mean it. I remember thinking that there was something wrong with either that statement or the people who made it. No one should be grateful for that, even if it might be possible.
In the way that rain makes you appreciate sunshine, barren makes you glad for fertile, or din makes you yearn for silence, so disappointments heighten my appreciation for success, pleasure, and satisfaction. In realizing also that God is all about relationship, and His ways are not mine, I can encounter Him in need in a way that I can't when everything is going well. As I trust Him and know that I know that I know He is always and only good, He is expanded in my interior landscape, and He is honored by it. I may not experience the gratitude immediately yet, but it does come, and I am deeply thankful.
Thank You, Lord, that You allow disappointments in order to gift us a far greater joy.
Saturday, December 1, 2012
Day 336
I am grateful for the Christmas season.
There are people who freak out about Christmas in the good way, who simply love being in the Christmas season and don't get people who actually wait until December to decorate. I'm somewhere between that and an atheist, so I'm a medium girl.
I love the anticipation of people opening presents, the smell of pumpkin, cinnamon, apple, and cranberry, the lights , tree, and evergreen boughs, and Christmas music. I love that we set aside an entire month to celebrate the greatest Gift on the human timeline, past and future. I appreciate store signs and stickers that say "Jesus is the Reason for the season." (I doubly appreciate it when they live like they truly believe that.)
It's the one season where we consider what we have been given, the empty chair at the table, how to make someone you love happy with a gift you put thought and heart into, and bake yummies for people we care about. I ponder the God-become-baby whose birth marked the earthly beginning of the Being Who created time, life, and all good and perfect gifts. God with skin on, His robe of knotted bandages that wrapped the newborn and the dead. His birth, my birth, His death, my death, His new life, my new life.
My Brett was born on this day 26 years ago. As I held him and tried to wrap my brain around what it would be like to give him to a world that would misunderstand,
Thank You, Lord, for the marvel, fun, and wonder of the Christmas season.
There are people who freak out about Christmas in the good way, who simply love being in the Christmas season and don't get people who actually wait until December to decorate. I'm somewhere between that and an atheist, so I'm a medium girl.
I love the anticipation of people opening presents, the smell of pumpkin, cinnamon, apple, and cranberry, the lights , tree, and evergreen boughs, and Christmas music. I love that we set aside an entire month to celebrate the greatest Gift on the human timeline, past and future. I appreciate store signs and stickers that say "Jesus is the Reason for the season." (I doubly appreciate it when they live like they truly believe that.)
It's the one season where we consider what we have been given, the empty chair at the table, how to make someone you love happy with a gift you put thought and heart into, and bake yummies for people we care about. I ponder the God-become-baby whose birth marked the earthly beginning of the Being Who created time, life, and all good and perfect gifts. God with skin on, His robe of knotted bandages that wrapped the newborn and the dead. His birth, my birth, His death, my death, His new life, my new life.
My Brett was born on this day 26 years ago. As I held him and tried to wrap my brain around what it would be like to give him to a world that would misunderstand,
Thank You, Lord, for the marvel, fun, and wonder of the Christmas season.
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