I am grateful for mercy.
This picture shows what it felt like to me the other day when I completely lost momentum going up the hill toward home after work. There wasn't that much snow, but it was heavy and slick. I even had Jylle's car because her tires are better than mine
At a dead stop with another 50 feet to go, I had no choice but back down. That put me in rear wheel drive, and when I tapped the break, I slid 90 degrees and faced the cliff. Cliff is too big a word because it would be downhill, but not the Grand Canyon. My front tire was a foot from the edge. I cranked the wheel as far to the right as I could, then let go and felt the car gently roll toward the center of the road. More fervent prayers were never sent up during and after such an occasion.
A car was waiting for me to steer clear, and I managed to dodge her, putt back down the road and attempt the back way. I was almost to the first dicey curve when I remembered there's not just one hill this route, there are three! "Jesus, Take the Wheel" was THE most appropriate song for this excursion, and it's basically what I prayed the entire time.Holy power and angels are what finally got me home, and I couldn't have been more grateful.
The next day, Jylle and I were in the truck, and I was nearing that near-fateful spot when I saw car lights from two vehicles, one of them blocking the road like I did, but facing the bank instead of the cliff. Even in 4WD, I slid at an angle toward the ditch. I did manage to swing around into a driveway and face downhill.Again with the holy power and angels!
I understand that mercy is not receiving something you deserve. I have said and done things for which I deserve more than diving over an embankment. For withholding those judgments and worse ones, I am deeply thankful.
Thank You, Lord, for mercy.
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